My geekiness is getting in the way of my nerdiness.

Dec 30, 2008 13:16

(Thanks to Patton Oswalt for the post title.)

Last November, I hit painting burnout on 40k, and with no one else in my circle to play with yet, the urge to pick it back up has been slow to rekindle. It's self-inflicted; pushing myself to hit deadlines on a hobby was frustrating me, especially when I only had a couple of hours a night. Considering that I tend towards slow and steady, it's no wonder that by the end of it I was mentally exhausted. However, I feel ready to pick up the brush and bottle again in January and start back where I left off. Now that I've got another interested friend (go evildennis!), I'm hoping that having someone to play and work off of will help keep my momentum going. It's a lonely hobby when there's no one around to talk shop or share progress with.

Of course, there's only so much time to go around, and that means that I'll have to share gaming time between Warhammer and Warcraft. Honestly, I only play WoW a couple of nights a week anymore, or occasionally on weekends while Z and Andi are napping), so it shouldn't be too hard to work out. I don't know if I want to necesarily get so structured as to set aside particular nights; I like having flexibility in my recreation time. And of course, family comes first. Fortunately, I feel like there's a nice, steady quest progression to the new WoW expansion that's kept me interested but still able to generally play in bite-sized chunks, with the occasional 1-hour instance run. Finding the right balance of painting and playing should be doable.

Also, I think I've found a home for my Warlord cards finally (why do all my hobbies start with "War"?). This satisfies both my inner pack rat (who hates to just toss them) and my desire to make more space in the office. Win-win.

geekery, warhammer 40k, painting, miniatures, games, world of warcraft

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