RIP Kitchen Faucet, 2003-2008

Dec 23, 2008 18:48

Our kitchen faucet, which has given us grief off and on over the past five years due to a design that destroys the rubber gasket it uses, has suffered some sort of internal failure. It still works, sort of, but the water comes out with much less pressure. I've verified that it's not a water pressure issue - after removing the handle assembly, I turned the water back on for a moment and watched it arc about 3 feet into the air. The sprayer also works just fine. There must be a clog in the spout somewhere, possibly a mineral or rust clump that I can't loosen.

I'm tired of fixing it every few months anyway, especially as the parts to do so get harder and harder to find. Fortunately, we can get a very nice replacement for under $200, so I think that's getting done around the same time as the roof (which should be done in less than a month - I think we have our roofer picked out now).

Still, it's an annoyance when there's anything in the house that doesn't work right.

home, upgrade

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