I finished my antibiotics on Saturday, and I'm mostly over this crud that I've had (which apparently I inadvertently passed along to
evildennis right before he went off to A-Kon; sorry about that). It's not gone, though - I'm still coughing up green bits of doom on occasion and blowing my nose semi-frequently. I swear, this stuff latches on and does not let go. It's been very contagious, too - so far, it's passed from my mom to
the_z to me to both Dennis and Z's mom, and almost got a hold of Andi as well (who, fortunately, was already getting antibiotics via Z). Hopefully, I can just weather through the last lingering bits and be over it by the weekend.
Rented GTA4 over the last week (just took it back last night), and I'll definitely be picking it up once I finish Lost Odyssey. I was never a big fan of the GTA3 generation of games; I tried out GTA3 and Vice City, and neither really clicked for me. This one, though - my God, it's amazing. The sheer verisimilitude of everything completely impressed me. The city looks real, the characters have depth, and the gameplay is solid. Of course, due to the violence in the game, I don't play it while Andi's awake - unless I'm just driving around. She loves watching Daddy drive.
Also, I got my copy of Guitar Hero 3 (hooray, $60 sale at Amazon) on Friday, and I've been digging that. The wireless guitar's a bit sensitive when it comes to activating Star Power, but I'll live. Borrowed Dennis's copy of Rock Band while he was away, too, and downloaded a bunch of the classic 70s/80s stuff - most importantly, The Car's debut album (which I heard so many times while growing up) - and brought that over to Mom and Dad's place last night. For the first time ever, I got my dad to play a video game with me, with him singing and me on guitars. A good time was had by all.
So now it's Monday, and I'm back to the grindstone. Everything goes back to its normal schedule now.