Dec 09, 2005 01:42
I'm going to do the thing where you post the first sentence of your first internet world wide web journal entry of each month of the year we're about to leave behind, I don't know about you guys but I'm pretty stoked
January: Happy new year or whatever, but more importantly, today I am another full year further along the march towards death.
February: Ok, I've stayed up dicking around on the internet for so long that I no longer trust myself to get to sleep in time to wake up for my Architecture quiz tomorrow, let alone in time to get up early and do some last-minute studying for it.
March Man, it's 4:15 in the morning, I'm taking WAY too long to do a shitty little response paper, and I have the Roundhouse theme song of all things stuck in my head.
April Hey, how inexcusable is it that I have not been assing up the internet with my wit and wisdom in recent weeks, considering that my diaryland is basically just a celebrity death server with the occasional description of a dream I had?
May: One lousy paper to finish before all my stress over being a shitty lazy procrastinating student is converted into stress over being a shitty lazy no-goodnik without a summer job!
June: cheap trick rules
July: Carbon dating of certain novelty keychains discovered beneath my bed suggests that my room has not been thoroughly cleaned top to bottom since about 1997.
August: this post was just links to the trailers for Walk the Line and Get Rich or Die Tryin'
September: I am sort of ending my first ridiculous stretch of procrastination of the year and all I can think about is how awesome it's going to be to sleep after I'm mostly done with class tomorrow.
October: I have been sick all week but it's always a good day when most of the windows on the back face of the Beloit Inn don't have their curtains drawn, allowing you to see that every single room in the place has the same art print hanging on its wall.
November: I just got back from seeing Harry Potter and am now eagerly looking forward to sleeping through class tomorrow.
December: Oh man so my mom calls asking where I've been and why I haven't bothered to call or email home lately and I'm all JEEZUS H LADY IT AINT BEEN THAT LONG and then she's like "I didn't want to get all crazy about it but I thought maybe something was wrong after I didn't hear from you on my birthday last week"
oh my god this was actually kind of depressing