A Very Merry Unbirthday!

Jan 13, 2008 20:01

So, today has been infinitely better than yesterday. I spent the better part of it playing zoo tycoon, for which I am probably twenty IQ points less intelligent, but had a lot of fun. My zoo was bitchin' and everyone was happy and all my animals were happy.

Though, snow leopards are a bitch. They are never happy and in the end, I got rid of them because they were making my zoo miserable. And monkeys breed every two seconds - so do lions. It's fricking weird. I love that game though, I might play later, depending on what I feel like and make another killer zoo. If there's no school tomorrow, I know what I'm doing with my day.

I'll breed more pandas or something lol. Maybe kill some snow leopards, or make a zoo of just big cats. That would be fun. I dunno, I'm weird like that. Let's see how it goes lol. I kind of want there to be school tomorrow, not gonna lie. I don't want to lose days before midterms because of the crazy amount of work I have to do in English/Euro, which would suck major.

Ah well. Saw Juno. absolutely adore it. Must buy CD.
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