Tutorial: Shia Header 2/2

Jul 17, 2007 18:14

Hi guys. 8D I had to split up the tutorial into two seperate tutorials because that one was getting pretty lengthy, and I didn't want to make that too long. So this one's going to focus on making the actual BANNER.


We're going to go from

Part 2 of 2.
Part one: [Here]

Open up your previous image that you used for the manga coloring tutorial. Or just grab an image that's cleaned, extracted, and colored. In other words--anything that's ready to be used.

You'll see that it's just on one layer.
So first thing's first--extraction time! We want to get the image's background to be transparent. This way, we can work on making a nice background for the image. :3

If you opened up your image, and on the layers, it says Background, double click on that layer. A pop-up should appear and say "Layer 0". Click ok.
Now create a new layer and put that under "Layer 0".

You're ready to start transparenting your image now! :3 So, let's grab our handy dandy MAGIC WAND tool. Set the TOLERANCE to 5. [Here's where the Tolerance thing is located.]

Now make sure you're on layer 0. Click on the white spots that you see on the image, and press Backspace on your keyboard. Do that for all the white spaces in your background until you see a checkered gray/white background. This means that your image has a transparent background now. :D

It should look like this:

Now create a new document, and make the size of the document however big you want it to be. For headers, I usually like to make them somewhere around 500 x 300 because it's a decent size to work with.

So now, use the MOVE tool. Click and drag the transparent image over to the new document.
Place your image wherever you want to, on the new document.

Mine looks like this now:

Now, we'll grab a rather familiar lookin' texture. [this one] If you recall, we used this texture to color the Obi in the previous tutorial. Copy/Paste that in there, and then drag it underneath Layer 0.

So now it looks like this:

And I figured that it looked TOO pink, and cluttered...and messy, and well. I just didn't like the whole texture taking up the whole header.
Thus I chose to tone it down a little.

Make a new layer under Layer 0.
Fill it with FFFAC4.
Change the blending mode to SOFT LIGHT.

It looks a little bit softer now, but I still don't like how cluttered it looks.

Next step!
Create a new layer...still under Layer 0.
Make sure that the color FFFAC4 is still selected on your Color Picker.
From the upper left corner, drag down about one third of the way, and then to the right corner.
Let go, and you should see a dashed line that looks like it's moving.
Right click in that area, and then go to FILL.
A box should appear.
Next to the word "Use" there is a dropdown box.
Click on it and select "Foreground Color". Click ok.

That part should look yellow now.
Right click that area again and click "deselect".

Now repeat those steps, except for the bottom part.
Your image should have a stripe of texture right smack in the middle, and two yellow stripes--one on the top and one on the bottom, like so:

Huzzah. :D

Now create a new layer, still under the transparent image.
Fill it with 818181.
Set it to SOFT LIGHT at 50%.

Create a gradient map now.
Refer to this image if you don't know where to locate yours, or

The gradient that I chose was from framedinblood's Chibi Usa gradient set, specifically,
, set to soft light.

The colors look lighter now, for the texture. And more pink.

Now create a new layer--still under the transparent image.
Fill it with F9AD81.
Set it to MULTIPLY @ 35%.

Looks darker now, right right? 8D

I then decided to add a few small details in the textured part. So I went to the Pattern Stamp Tool. (The Pattern Stamp Tool is in the same place as the Clone Stamp Tool--right click it to switch.)
I used this pattern--an 8px by 8px
You can copy it, then paste it into a new document.
Then go to EDIT--> Define as Pattern.
Name it as GRID or something.
Go back to your header.
Create a new layer.
Then select the GRID pattern in the Pattern Stamp Tool toolbar. [here]
Choose a decent sized brush, somewhere between 20px and 45px.
Then just quickly brush over random spots in the textured space.
Set that to SOFT LIGHT.

There's how the header looks now.

Create a new layer, again, under layer 0.
Fill it with FFF799.
Change it to SOFT LIGHT.
Then used the RECTANGULAR MARQUEE TOOL to select the area in the texture stripe.
Press backspace.

The reason why we do that is because we want the texture to stand out a little more, but I wanted the yellow areas to be slightly more darker.

Before it was cleared:

After it was cleared:

See the difference?

Anyway, use the Eyedropper tool and select the large area of yellow.
Then create a new layer.
Use [this] brush by ca_pris and brush near the texture.
(Actually I can't seem to find the real brush that I used, and this was the closest one.)

The result should look somewhat like this:

Now for some text! Remember to place this layer under the transparent image.
I used the color FAAC8D, in Century Gothic.
Then I typed up some lyrics on the top part of the texture, and then on the bottom.

Slowly getting there, that we are.

Now copy/paste this [light texture], made by egg9700.
Resize it however you want to, if you feel the need to.
This texture goes on TOP of layer 0. (FINALLY. D:)
Set it to SCREEN.
And tinker with the Gaussian Blur settings a little. I think I set mine somewhere near a radius of 8.
I also lowered the opacity down to 70%, and rotated the texture a little.

Whoo! One more step!

Create a new layer, above all of the previous layers.
Fill this layer with B4B4B4.
Set it to COLOR BURN at 20%.

Annnd you're done.

I just added little rounded corners on mine as a finishing touch--obviously, it's not something that you have to have to do. Same goes with the blurred ends. xD

If you have questions, drop a comment. I know this was probably really confusing. 'A';;; And I'm sorry, I don't have a way with words. xD;; But I'll try my best to answer your questions!


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