Jul 09, 2004 02:14
are you ready boots? start walking.
ok so I just realized something.
New York, LA, Miami, and all other big cities that you can think of right now..hello, they are all on opposite sides of the country. is that on purpose? if Florida was cut off and we got rid of all the northern city bullshit that no one cares about, and just kept south florida, and glued it back to the rest of the US and then we made florida(cuz now it's tiny) we made that new jersey, and then we cut up cali and made it a bunch of small states and made them all the other little states that are by new york, and did that with every other big city, then the whole northeast would be amazing and I wouldnt have to miss new york right now, because I could just drive like an hr and be there.
I should so be a geographer...does that job exist?
ok whatever. I'm done writing in this shit. just had to share that amazing thought.