...OK meme-aholics, researchers, bright people....I know that one of you will know how to help me.
A friend and I are working on a new assignment for our students (most of our students this semester have already failed our course once, so we are trying to find somthing (a) fresh and (b) that they won't already have a crappy paper on that they will try to rework. So, our first assignment was to do one of these essays (
www.thisibelieve.org) and our next is taken care of, mostly, but we are thinking ahead....
Anyone know of any of those quizes like "what year do you belong in" that focus on what generation you belong in (Millenial, Gen X, The Me Generation, etc?) I've not found what I'm looking for since I started poking around a little while ago....
By the way, with the year quiz, I belonged in the year I was born.
So, any suggestions?
I appreciate all help