haha I'm taking up so much space on your livejournal page today

Jun 20, 2006 15:36

(In The Biz, they call that "Pulling an Abe.")

Tagged by emmaone

List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're not any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your livejournal along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they're listening to.

1.) The BellRays- Killer Man. An old-school Detroit punk band with an old-school Motown lead singer. Oh and also they're from California. It's not gimmicky at all, either, which is surprising to me. I want to see these guys live so bad.

2.) Big Black- Precious Thing Trashy, tinny rock with a drum machine. Steve Albini is really great at capturing the demented aspect of different bands, and he's even better at capturing it in himself. He truly and sincerely sounds like he wants to keep a lady tied to his bed all day, because she's his Precious Thing.

3.) Roky Erikson & The Aliens- Sputnik Speaking of demented sounding lead singers... Erikson is pretty much the best guy to be singing about demons, aliens, and space travel, because he could very well believe it. Plus his backing band is made up of members of Credence Clearwater Revival. I hope he plays this one at Intonation.

4.) Prince Buster- 10 Commandments "THE 10 COMMANDMENTS OF MAN, GIVEN TO WOO-MAN, TRU DE INSPIRATION OF I, PRINCE BUSTER!" He has a firm yet gentle hand with the ladies.

5.) Skeleton Key- Big Teeth This is why I'm building a junk set. I want to BE these guys. This is solid, noisy rock music with a good backbeat. What more could you want?

6.) Enon- Murder Sounds. This is from their more electronic-sounding album. The production is great, and it has both lead singers on it, which is a plus for me. It's kind of a minimalistc song, with some very subtle electronic parts. It's mostly the drum and the bass guitar.

7.) Severin- People Are Wrong Severin were a pop-punk band with enough weird touches to get on to Fugazi's record label. For instance, this song, in addition to being extremely catchy, contains a very well-integrated bagpipe. It makes perfect sense for this song to have a bagpipe.

I'm not tagging anyone. Or I guess you could say I'm tagging everyone.

Go do the thing, or don't.
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