
Feb 07, 2009 20:08

Miss Eden keeps the thumping heart at bay, but I fear she isn't pleased with my company.  She won't eat her cakes or drink her tea.  The little bird misses her family... perhaps I shouldn't have clipped her wings, but if she flies away home, my nest will be empty except for the tick tick ticking.

The clock's got a hold of my tongue...

I feel its hands in my brain, like pale maggots in a loaf of bread--gnawing away...  Eden, dearie, won't you speak?  sing a song of six pence You have a pretty voice.  It's all green hills in my head, rolling and rolling on forever.

[ooc: No internal dialogue curse.  Quite upsetting, that.  Anyone want to use this to discover Eden's location?]

braaains, cuckoo's nest, eden, cursed, clock

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