"Parent and child"

Jul 20, 2013 19:35

I have a friend who can't choose between her dream and her parent's wishes. No matter what I try to do to help her, no matter how many times we talked, she never choose. I was kind of pretty angry at her because she was just all thinking and talking, she just doesn't do anything else! I did anything I could to help her, but she just... didn't do anything at all. She waste her time for nothing, thinking and talking alone will not take her anywhere, it doesn't help her confront her parents and certainty doesn't help her finding a job or reaching her dream. I told her as such, she just said "I know, I know" and "You don't understand me", "I'm feel so sad" and still she does nothing, and nothing change. It's a month and a half now and I have had enough. I got really angry when she started lying and hiding from me. I sums up all her problem and posted it on my facebook. And she got all "How could you do this to me?", "Why can't anyone understand me?", "I know I made you angry but you should only spat your words at my face, why do you want anyone know?"etc... I told her that because I talk so much I just don't want to talk about the same things again and again and again so I draw. I am tired of this game of choices, if you don't work hard, don't try to reach something, your life would be meaning less, and you wasting for precious time.

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