Jan 12, 2012 04:25
Just a quickie update.
I've been pretty successful this last week, I think. No binges, minimized stress (though there have been some down moments for sure), and best of all, weight loss!
I lost 7lbs since my last post, leaving me with 119lbs left to go. I guess that's the one advantage of being fat- the weight falls off quicker at first.
I have been pretty bad on the exercise front other than a few walks of 2 miles or so. My shoulder is acting up again but the only way to really fix the issue is to lose weight, so I think I'll be holding off on any serious workouts until I'm down enough that this issue goes away. My sleep schedule is still messed up between the depression and the pain, with me sleeping 4 hours or so between 9am and 2pm most days. My energy levels aren't great, but I'm getting work done and not berating myself too much, so that's a plus.