Questions from Ursula

Nov 30, 2009 16:40

1) Suppose you were cursed so that the Internet could give you porn or kitten pictures, but not both. Which would you choose?

Porn with kittens? *grin* I'm going to take porn here to mean "erotica" because I don't actually use the net to find picture porn unless I'm trying to hurt someone's brain, but I do read a lot of online romance/erotica, so since I can get my kitten fix in real life, I'm picking pr0n here.

2) If you had a free trip to any country in Africa, where would you go?

Madagascar. I've always wanted to go. Places that evolve their own weird ecology are fascinating to me.

3) Would you rather live in a land of Starbucks clones, or doughnut stores (assuming the climate and so forth was otherwise the same)?

Starbucks. I'm not actually that fond of donuts. But in the end, since I barely leave the house anymore, I don't really have an opinion on what's around me as long as there are still bookstores :) Speaking of which, I should totally figure out how to get starbucks to sell my books ;)

4) What do you buy in airport bookstores?

Spy thrillers, generally, if anything. I'm usually traveling with so many books that I don't really make it to the airport bookstores, but I've purchased a few (bookstores cannot resist me.. or is it the other way around?)

5) What are the characteristics of your ideal video game?

No level cap. Epic feel, lots of side quests, plenty of story and possibility for character development, and pretty graphics. Basically, cross Fallout 2 with Final Fantasy 12 and maybe we'll be close. I think it's why Dark Age of Camelot drew me for so many years, it had a lot of these qualities and I loved the scope that was provided by the MMORPG setting. But of course it had flaws too. I'd also love to see an epic fantasy game like Dragon Age or Final Fantasy 12 with a seamless 2 player cooperative option.
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