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Aug 15, 2005 18:14

hey everyone!!!!!!!!!!! IM IN NY!!!!!!! WOOOOOO!! well im just making an update while lea is playing zelda bc i haven't updated in 90590328934718 years. well not that long....but you get the picture. so far this week has been so so sfjkghaeroghi much fun!!!! basically we've just been running around like idiots, chugging vanilla coke at every second of the night, and most of the time we are hangin out with Chris, Alex, Omar, Jack or random other NY ppl that i meet that let us borrow their gamecubes lol..... i dont feel like going through everyday but today we had to get up early to go to lea's school to give in her physical forms and get her working papers and then we went and filled out applications for lea to find a job. im pretty sure she's gunna end up workin at dunkin' donuts lmao and we might convince chris to also....YAY FOR FREE DONUTS.then we came home and went running, i swear their are pervs everywhere in america....... AHHH RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!!1  shfojghsj well anyways then we ran down to chris's but he knew we were coming this time, (unlike when he went to his house at 9am and jumped on his bed to wake him up... :D lol he was o so happy with us ) and we saw jack along the way so he came too and we all hungout there and tried to knock lea out haha. hmm then chris drove us home  and after like an hour of doing nothing we decided to walk to kmart to get more vanilla coke, fluff, u kno the essentials.... chris drove by us so he came too and we walked around there and then went to walmart (better food) and then headed back to his house where we all so smartly locked ourselves out of his car (all our stuff including my phone are also in there:/ ) .... now we are back ehre waiting for the dealership to give him another key so we can go play laser tag and kill eachother lol .well i gotta be going now, it's dinner time, hope you all enjoyed this tradeweeks entry....adios for now


*Hang in there kylee!!! I LOVE YOU :)
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