Dec 15, 2005 22:13
Take the first few sentences (or from wherever) from the first post of each month of 2005. That's your year in review. Taken from Diana.
Can't we feel safe in our own homes anymore? Can we sleep soundly at night knowing your safe from danger. Apparently not.
R.I.P. Jessica
I'm letting go....
I've heald on for too long and my fingers are slipping. Slipping away and on. So now, I can't hold on to what I have. I can't keep living like this.
I'm remembering what its like to feel happiness.And for once its not false, or a dream.
Did i ever tell you that you're as beautiful as a rose head in full bloom? Because you are.Sleeping against the warm flesh of my open palms, you're petals so soft and dainty that I've got to be careful how I hold you lest I mistreat you because you're that magnificent
I feel as if I'm nothing under nothing. That no matter what I do its never good enough and I always need something more. That my life will ammount to nothing because I have no ambitions.
Well I'll be leaving for Europe in 2 days! Im so excited but also I can't help but think.I wonder if this will really impact my life, open my eyes to a new world
My days consist of waking up, showering, watching tv, going to work, going out to play pool and eat after work, watching more tv, reading and sleeping. I was sick of a routine life during school and I'm sick of it now.
I've finally given in......
Kole has a myspace...
Its going to devour my soul..
For everyone, there was a time, before the drama and drugs, before relationships and depression. Before suicide, rape or murder. Before abuse, hate and fear.
I cant take the lies anymore I cant deal with this shit!!!
Why do you people keep lying to me, taking me for granted. Do you think I am stupid, do you think I'm naive? Did you think I would never find out?
“Book worm, weirdo, dork or freak" Are often things my friend will call me when I start to read a book. Partially because I will not put in down till I've read the very last page or partly because I don't pay much attention to anything or anyone else.
Don't play with fire if you dont want to be burnt.
Don't try to play in my world if you can't handle it.
Wow,so 2005 can blow me.
I need a new life and a new body.
Who wants to get me one for christmas?