Cut me open and watch me bleed... I'll be smiling

Jan 07, 2005 23:48

He will be there for her whenever she needs him
she cries,and he is there, he is her comfort, whispering sweet lies of " It will be allright" and "everything will be OK" She is pretty in her own way and he is Ducky left in the corner. Just beining that friend that she needs in her life because she is a paper heart soul who needs him. But just as a friend. So he smiles and says his sarcastic comments as this,
Helpless friend

Surrender to me and tell me that I'm fake, I'm a bitch, that you hate me.
Tell me what I want to hear, not the truth.
Tell me something, anything besides what you feel.
Don't try to save me because I can damn well do it myself.
Just because I'm different dosn't mean I dont cry, dont bleed, dont feel pain or remorse.
I can't change how I am, or what I feel... But that dosn't mean I dont wish things were different. That I was different. If I could love you I would, If I could accept it I would. But as it is, I'm just not capeable of such an emotion anymore. I always seem to turn a good thing into a bad situation. Thats me for ya, nothing can ever be simple. I can't do anything without hurting someone in the process. I am a walking death for those who become close to me, What is wrong with me? What can I do because no matter how hard I try to make others happy, when I try to make myself happy I end up hurting people anyways. And then I'm left alone, lost and broken once more.

I want to kill what I've become. Do you ever feel that way? That you don't want to die, but you hate how you are.. you want to kill this.. THING that seems to be living inside you? As if you weren't really yourself because of it and you want it gone?

I can't kill it, I can't accept it.. but I can at the least make it shut the hell up. I can bottle this part of myself and throw it in the ocean for someone to find and be cursed with. Make it go away.. Make it all go away...


Blood & years,
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