Accidental voice post

May 10, 2009 05:18

[Unaware that his journal was even open much less recording, so have a singing Roxas.]

Rats I've dropped a teacup
How easily they break
I'm on my hands and knees until I pay for my mis-

Take off all your clothing
We've only just begun
We have no anesthesia
It's eighteen forty....

[Insert humming as he's forgotten some of the words.]

Fore the night is over
Before you go to bed
They'll take a hammer and a nail and jam it in your ...

Headstones in the courtyard
And statues in the park
Are not for the insane
Just leave them rotting in the
Dark, dark, dark, dark, dark

Damn song's stuck in my head.

((ooc: Feel free to poke at him, and tease him about singing. xD ))

miss lucy had some leeches

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