Hey all

Feb 15, 2009 11:08

Since I've been posting to Posterous lately and not so much to other places, I thought that I would go ahead and enable auto-posting from Posterous, so those of you that keep tabs on me from other media (read...basically everybody, since I have almost no friends on Posterous) can see what I'm up to.

Most of my autoposts to livejournal will probably be from my more LJ-like blog at happythoughts.posterous.com,  but I'm also keeping a more media-ful (and potentially more interesting) blog at hawksley.posterous.com. I will probably autopost to facebook from both. (The images are not autoposted behind a cut for LJ and I often upload a bunch of images at a time)

Anyhow, for the two people who want to know what's going on with my life...there you are.

ps. Posterous is awesome.
Posted via email from Bunnies and Bears
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