Before I forget, the usual Gundam ramblings:
-So Regene was layin' low in Veda after all. Also:
"I'll avenge you."
"Don't kill me off like th."
-SO, thanks to Sestsuna's INNOVALUTION, everyone got in on the SPARKLY MIND LINK OF LOVE (but kept their clothes on). Why not just play Marina's song again to top it all off. XD
--note: Um, I don't think evolution works that way...
-I'll be so okay with Saji and Louise getting a happy ending though. And Billy JUST NEEDED A HUG WTF.
-Ali finally, finally got killed. By a Lockon, even! :D Although said Lockon was all "Thanks to you Anew, I learned that it's possible for people to understand each other" and we'll just have to take his word for it. >_> I LOVE YOU, I TRUST YOU
-A lot of people who COULD have died this episode didn't. This makes me even more wary of the last episode. Rocks fall everyone dies
-Going back to Regene and her, er, his, survival-of-sorts...I liked those cuts to Regene's dead body on the floor, but why was he still on the floor? Did Ribbons just not care about the corpse on his floor? I mean, who wants to come home to that? Did he not have a spare Bringvine around to have dispose of the body?
And I'd be all, "Waaah, soon 00 will be over and my life will be empty" but new FMA is starting.
Aaaand I was gonna say something else but I totally forgot what it was. Maybe it was about Tales of the Abyss. All I have to say about that is that I have no idea what's going on in the story. Actually, I have a general idea what's happening, but I have no idea why it's happening. Granted, I'm watching my brother play more than actually playing myself. And unless there's a cutscene I'm usually half-asleep. Or totally asleep. I cut short the Tales time and kicked the fuzzbrother out of my room last time so I could go to sleep early. >_>