Aug 22, 2011 23:12
The Cardavians had been tracking the Doctor for some time. The last Time Lord in existence; and with a sample of his genetic material they could unravel his DNA and discover the secrets of regeneration. With their home planet destroyed and their numbers in decline, regeneration was the only key to their survival; and with it? The power to take over the universe. They would be unstoppable. At least, so they thought.
Of course, they only needed a small sample for their research, but where was the fun in that? Oh no, they wanted the Doctor’s body stuffed and hung on their wall as a reminder of the end of the final Time Lord.
It had taken a long time, but finally they had managed to bypass TARDIS security and lock its controls, sending the blue box and her passengers hurtling through time and space. The sudden jolting and aforementioned hurtling sends Donna flying across the console room and painfully into the coral struts. She manages to get herself upright and holds onto the safety rail to stop herself falling again.
verse: fine line,
journal: gaillfreys_last