Oct 05, 2006 08:55
I'm not much of a talker on LJ here, but what a friend of mine said gave me some ideas for response and since she made it impossible to respond through comment, and its WAY too expensive to call from where I am, so I'm posting for the first time in god knows how long. For my friend, know that you have friends that care for you and each person has their own strengths and weaknesses. Some advice, if I may, you have to decide whether or not to change that weakness to a strength. Secondly, again, you have friends that care for you. You may not love all of them, but a true friend cares for those they call friend. And sometimes one just can't care about what other people think, it'll make a person go crazy. Know that I am a friend of yours and no amount of distance changes that. And hey, have fun in Humboldt. :P