(no subject)

Dec 13, 2008 02:51

wow : )

i am so off on this blogging thing.

by now:

- first quarter is over
--- english class: who knew my writing could be appreciated? i wrote about 1. underwear ad, 2. truman's show, 3. my first grade self in grammar b format and again, wow, who knew my writing could be appreciated?
--- intro to design class: deeep. deep stuff. some i didnt even want to know about. the professor left us on the last day with the parting gift of a mv consisting of a robot (with scarily humanistic features) and another robot, both female (or what i guess to be female from their scarily humanistic features) making out throughout the mv. it's like irobot.. but robots making out..?
--- drawing class: wow. adobe illustrator. you wow me. i can use you to trace a box. to trace a chair. to trace a bike. with you. nothing is untraceable. i also cant believe it costs me $5 to print out on a 19x13 black and white piece of very fine construction paper. cannot believe it.
--- japanese class: despite bombing the final rather sadly, i passed rather high. yay! jitensha! jisho! enpitsu! omiyage!
- i started winter break
- i'm overconsuming candies, the sours, in particular, and messing up my teeth (i think?) and my tongue (ooh i feel this one) quite terribly.

gosh darn u gooey chewy sour patch, you are so goooood.

and you shocktarts, you 2 box (JUMBO SIZED, the box screamed at me in its red and yellow) for $3 deal.

the new colgate toothpaste we switched to comes with a fatter cap for it to stand on its er.. cap. and the texture of the toothpaste is this amazing shade of turquoise blue hue and has the texture of my face wash, the one for eliminating blackheads.. sandy and er.. it seems more like a cleaning product than a toothpaste. not to mention it leaves your entire mouth feeling numb after you brush your teeth.. like you just went to the dentist and got a numbing shot for no reason. lovely feeling.


must resist eating candy.


want $1 4-piece chicken mcnuggets.


will. resist. candy.


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