(no subject)

May 22, 2008 01:57

There aren't many things I can claim to know with absolute certainty in life, but there are things I can share that help me keep a decent outlook on life and I figured I'd share some!

1) Kids are awesome. Joking around with a kid will usually lift your spirits like nothing else. They can teach you a very important lesson: Never be afraid to be a goofball and laughing is necessary for living.

2) Long term and hard fought goals are the ultimate key to long term happiness. The harder you have to fight for them, the more rewarding they are.

3) Hug people you love. Just fucking do it. Hug strangers. It may sound gay or weird, but hugs make people's day.

4) Integrity and honesty are some of the greatest measures of who you are. Always try and be upfront and honest with people. Once people know you're full of shit, you have to work twice as hard to keep them around. So, try not to be full of shit.

5) This is more of a dating tip. Actually listen and try and figure out the other person. If you're similar, GO ON A FUCKING DATE THAT BOTH OF YOU CAN ENJOY THAT'S NOT RUN OF THE MILL! If you're both having a good time, then that uncomfortable tension drifts away.

6) Don't be afraid to stand up for anything you truly care about just to avoid feeling outside of the box. If you don't stand up for yourself, no one respects you. Don't try and shove your shit down someone's throat either.

7) Try to smell good. And brush your fucking teeth everyday.

8) Don't be afraid to reinvent yourself. You're not etched in stone. Evolution doesn't just pertain to genetics. You grow up and in different directions. Don't be afraid to tread a path that feels right because it's unfamiliar. You could become a better person.

9) Read a book every once and awhile. Our brains are assaulted with so much shit everyday that we need to work them to keep them going.

10) A plan is just a thought till you write it down. Once it's on paper, you can formulate it better and it's easier to work out.

11) If you think you know everything about a person, prepare to be shocked. People are great that way. Try to always be ready to roll with the punch.

12) Don't try and look like all your friends. It's ok to have similar tastes, but you shouldn't be afraid to stand out a bit. Have the confidence to know that you rock.

13) Kissing rocks. Try and kiss with no intention of sex. Just appreciate making out with someone.

14) Take care of your back. Throwing it out sucks ass.

15) Try not to be hateful of ex's. You liked them enough to date them once. All that spite can eat you up inside.

16) Make fun of your physical imperfections. Don't obsess over them.

17) Always keep a can of air freshener in the bathroom. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF THIS RULE.

18) Treat yourself to gifts every once and awhile without worrying. Whats the point of living if you're not enjoying it?

19) LAUGH AT YOURSELF EVERYDAY. Life is fucking hilarious. Even funerals can be funny in the right light. If you're not appreciating the joke, you're the butt of it.

20) Don't be afraid to talk about sexual fantasies with your partner. In fact, don't be afraid to talk about almost anything with your partner. If they can't love you for who you are, forget em. Who wants to be with someone they feel they can't be open with?

21) Clean the house at least once a week.

I'm sure there's more stuff, but forget it, I'm tired and have to work in the morning. I'm just making this shit up as I go along, but hey, thats life. We're all just making it up as we go along...
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