Personal tragedisaster averted.

Sep 12, 2011 21:27

Uggghhhh, television programming, y u no luve meeeeeee?

So... many... book reviews...

Goodreads is a timesink of epic proportions, but so many opinionsssssss.

Smashwords is less timesinky but there aren't as many reviews which makes me sort of sad?

Neither of them have free book tags, which kind of >:|s me, but I guess I can see why they don't. One of the books on Smashwords was "A frank and open look at to why you should NOT release free ebooks on the World Wide Web or, 'How to Shoot Yourself in the Foot' by mistake. Also known as 'Everyone’s Guide to eBook Hara Kiri'."

In addition, "FREE! is intended for those interested in avoiding becoming a target and victim of online sandbagging, derogatory reviews and poor sales - actions that can, and have ruined writing careers."

Whooooooo's bitterrrrr?

In other news, I found the awesomest bracelet ever in the bathroom junk drawer. It is glittery and fabulous and I loves it like an unicorn.

awesome, argh, e-books, extending words with extra letters

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