With Cassie missing, Zuko was setting off to face his sister, the Avatar was setting off to fight the Fire Lord and Seifer, who wasn't going with either of them, felt rather like he'd been invited to the worlds biggest birthday party and then told he couldn't have any cake
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Maybe it'd help Zuko, if he was able to accomplish something, even just in a kind of dream, and that was good, too. But mostly, she wanted to tear something down.
"Excellent distraction," Edmund said agreeably but grim faced. "Let's do it."
"Way I see it, we need to get hold of something that's more important than the road. A general, or a stronghold or something, and then all the little soldiers will come running after us rather than after Zuko," Seifer didn't bothet to hide how much that propsect cheered him.
"So let's get going."
That had been Theon's trick, and she wasn't minded to take any pages from his book.
He fell into pace with the other two, a slight frown of worry appearing. "They can't all do that thing with the fire, right?"
"We could always ask them," he added with a smirk. "If either of you want someone else to bicker with, anyhow."
He could have added more about that but Arya didn't seem to take that sort of teasing well. He still had the bruises from the last time he'd gone a bit too far on commenting on her mood, after all.
So he left it at that as he led them away from the main path and up a side track to some higher ground. They wanted to be able to get a good view on the road and see what Fire nation forces were around.
It was probably best that they had kept silent for this anyway, he thought, as he crouched down, on a hillside crag, a half hour later and peered at the view of the plain before him. As eager as he was for battle and as much as he wouldn't exactly mind if the Fire Nation found him, it would be better if they still had the element of the surprise.
"See any obvious targets?" he asked in a whisper.
"Rhinos can be hard to upset, but I do think they would do the most damage," Edmund said. "We could get a lot done before anyone even realizes we're there."
Forcing a direct confrontation was always his preferred plan, no matter how outnumbered he was but he wasn't going to press the point. Not now, anyway.
Strange as it seemed, the most important thing wasn't that they listened to him but rather that they moved fast, or else they'd be too late to do any good whatsoever. And if Seifer missed his chance at a battle, he wouldn't be remotely pleased.
To that end, he didn't say anything else until they were approaching the main Fire Nation camp and saw a scouting party ahead of them.
"Stay out of sight, and when they start going down, come in," she said.
She could play the harmless girl long enough to take them by surprise, but not if she was wearing a pair of weapons.
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