liberty and faith and other gods

Nov 18, 2017 18:15

I don't see myself as a standard christian anymore and do not read much in the bible. I've never been happy with this faith, particularly not with its evangelical kind. It's a bullshit faith, truthfully. The catholic church can be respected, they think of the angels and see all the Jesus types and have genuine sincerity in their love for people. And God for them still is love and not some authority figure. God is a spirit permeating the entire cosmoi and in our universe here in this solar system he is a captain spirit. But God is not a good name for that. I think God was a greeting word once. Hamechi sounds well. Hamchi works too. In a way Hamechi is like a young bird, not necessarily an eagle or a tiny bird.

The anglican church I still respect too, and some lutheran churches work well as well. But the evangelical churches are full of nutjobs and rogues. It's sectarian material. I guess the few simple-minded evangelicals that once belonged to this church are all gone now and have left these churches. Leave these creeps alone, my mind says. Everyone who voluntarily and honestly and without fear believes in real hellfire punishments for living beings should grow a Hitler moustache to identify themselves.

It's genuinely awful. Zeus and Odin and the jewish gods like Adonai and El Zebaoth and deities like Fortuna and Allah and Yahwe are so much better and deeper and kinder than the common short bible makes it appear. We can be glad about them and become their friends! That's the opportunity for every christian who understands and practices goodness and honesty. And I think I did that, like millions of other christians and people of other faiths.

We have a great century before us. A new time is coming. A new kind of sun is dawning. The little brother!
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