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philosophercat August 6 2013, 13:13:39 UTC
I didn't get to see/hear Moff's comment re: the Queen but I'd heard he made some (expectedly) dumb, trolling comments. It's fair to say that I feel the same, plus I *am* enjoying the wailing about the Doctor being old. I read an article from the Daily Fail (uuuhhhh) which reposted dumb comments from fans about how "the Doctor is supposed to be young." Not paying attention, these young 'uns! Still, their grief amuses me. :P Back at the eleventh Doctor com on LJ, people are showing almost no interest really. Mostly optimism, with a little sad desperation that there be some hot River/12 action because they can't get enough of bad writing, I guess. ;)


barsukthom August 6 2013, 14:06:16 UTC
My BiL declared, "Finally! The Doctor is younger than ME again!"


veronica_rich August 6 2013, 17:14:49 UTC
The thing about Moffat, I suppose, is he's under economic demands like any other producer. No, he could choose not to say stupid shit out loud and in public (and frontier justice forced his Twitter shutdown thanks to his conduct), but the fact is that youth sells and it's been under the last two young actors (and their interactions with female companions, for good or ill) that "Doctor Who" has gone from a known-but-still-obscure show to a worldwide earner in merchandise, DVD sales, and syndication. He sort of can't help that this is what a LOT of new, younger, spending fans seem to want ... any more than T&T could largely help that a lot of the POTC fans were rabid over J/E above all else.



nobleplatypus August 6 2013, 23:38:35 UTC
I can't say I blame Moffat for the fanpoodles or their relentless shipping; it was RTD who took the show in that direction with Ten and Rose, and both RTD and Moffat have since had to deal with the messy repercussions of that choice. It was definitely lucrative, but it's also fundamentally unsustainable: you can't have every single female companion be the Doctor's One True Love.

It's probably to Moffat's credit that he doesn't seem all that keen on playing up the romance angle (though his idea of romance tends to veer towards the creepy and problematic end of the spectrum, anyway), but it'll be hard to shake it entirely. Still, it's not like he's the one who set that particular ball rolling.


nobleplatypus August 6 2013, 23:44:17 UTC
Helen Mirren said it was about time the Doctor was played by a woman. Moffat referenced that quote, and then snarkily suggested that it was also about time the Queen was played by a man. AHAHA HILARIOUS. /sarcasm

And never mind that regardless of how he looks, the dude is over 1,000 years old. They should be thankful he doesn't look like Yoda, frankly. :P

And oh, god. As if there is any salvaging the whole Doctor/River ship. Just let it die with whatever dignity it can scrape together.


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