I'm at the farmstead for the holiday weekend, and so is Fivey (since the roommate is gone this weekend as well). Fivey and Charlotte are decidedly Not Friends, though I'm sure Charlotte would love to be. She was just way too enthused by the idea of checking him out, to Fivey's dismay, so my room is a dog-free zone
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It annoys me that SM uses good ratings to justify his poor choices. Fucking "reality" shows get good ratings, it doesn't make them suddenly well written and thought out. ffs
Clara seems to have been designed as the ultimate blank slate companion so that the writers don't have to give any actual thought to what she'd do in situation x, y or z. Because she has no character she can react however they want and so the plot controls her, rather than the other way around. Le sigh.
Also, I hope John Hurt isn't going to be the Doctor that stopped the Time War. PAUL MCGANN'S CROWN WILL BE LOST!! ;_;
Agreed on the sticking around until SM leaves front. The show is 50 years old. It has its ups and downs. It'll go up again after this down. Won't it...? Please...
We really could have used more time with her before she visited his tomb, I think. If nothing else, it would have given us a reason to assume she really liked him despite a lack of other evidence of that fact. As it is, it's just like... why is she sacrificing so much for a guy she barely knows, all of five minutes after finding out that he's been keeping important information from her?
DAT GIF. *_*
Maybe he started off very insecure and unsure, but as more people threw themselves at him (for no discernible reason) he suddenly thinks he's Mr Universe.
Rather like Moffat. His stories were kind of okay at the start, but when people started throwing praise and awards at him, his inner dickishness came out and he refuses to put it back in his pants.
Maybe if we'd had a full 13 episode series with her things would be different. Not that you can't achieve that kind of relationship in 7 episodes, but part of me thinks Moffat needs time. Then again, I get the feeling he forgets what he's doing if there's too much time in which to do things.
Moffat might need time, yeah. Or else the fandom needs time to fill in the gaps with headcanon, at least. He doesn't seem to do emotional stuff all that well, and that's when he actually attempts it instead of deliberately avoiding it.
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