Capture of an exceddingly large specimen of ictalurus furcatus. Very interesting. I am always amazed by the extent to which an aquatic environment allows for massive growth. Squeee! Fifty-six and a quarter kilograms is a very respectable weight.
On another note, related by region by not much else, I have had the opportunity to observe a gavia immer from a very short distance. A delightful experience. The creatures are normally most reclusive, but on this particular occasion one had stopped for a bit on a smallish pond which I happened to be passing. I similarly stopped to watch it.
I cannot say I gleaned any great insights from the encounter, but it was a very pleasant time, nonetheless. The creature's neck stayed in a most beautiful tight curve all the while I watched it, and it glided to a fro without an apparent care.
I felt greatly honored by its presence. It is always wonderful when shy things condescend to show themselves to you.