My typist finds the most intriguing bits of information...

May 04, 2005 05:40

For example: This report on a tracking device attached to a carcharodon carcharias.

*drools* I want one. Guh. Immensely useful, I'm sure.

I am not pleased with the present situation. Hades is too high handed by far. I could not bear to loose the Captain. I cannot think of what I should do if -

To be honest, I am half mad with worry and constantly near tears. Oh, my dear Captain! After all that...

*wibbles* I will think of something to do to make things better.

*simply cannot think for panicking*

*sits staring at his sketchbook, his hands clasped tightly in his lap to stop them shaking*

Edit: Well. That's taken care of. But, still. I have had an awful scare. I don't think I realized just how closely I have bound myself to Nemo before. I truly could not think at all of -

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