Holy word vomit, Batman!

Nov 04, 2011 15:20

Watched H5-0 live Monday because Castle wasn’t Hallowe’en-themed. Why did Castle do the spooky ep last week? So weird.

huge rambling mess about tv shows:

This ep was a solid not-too-angry-making-but-not-great-either on the awesomeness scale. I mean, there were lots of things I liked about it, the biggest being that Lori didn’t make me claw at the screen in frustration every time she was on. I didn’t like her, but still. Not too bad. I was a little thrown by her calling Danny “Danno”, but as long as she did it to piss him off, and not because she thinks she can do it all the time, I’m cool with it. I mean, have Chin or Kono ever called him Danno? I don’t think so. But Danny needed a slap in the face anyway.

I liked that Hawaiian culture was handled very respectfully by everyone else besides Danny. The surfer priest was awesomesauce. I may be a bit biased, because I had a book of Hawaiian legends and stories when I was little (it was written by a Hawaiian and self-published, I think) and I loved it to pieces.

Okay, the team being team-y? Very good. Even with Lori there - who I am not convinced is actually part of the team yet, especially since she is first and foremost working for the Governor, hello, has everyone forgotten this? - I got a very ohana vibe, much like S1. So yay!

Max. OMG. Max. His whole morgue being decorated? LOVE. I am a big decorator. I mean, even when I have lived in dinky apartments with no money, I decorate. So that was awesome. I also loved his costume. And the comment about zombies. He was perfect!

Gracie! Uh, even if it was only like two minutes total, and during all of those minutes Danny was also being an ass. Danny, WTF are you doing trick-or-treating at a hotel? As someone who never lived in a neighborhood where trick-or-treating was a possibility, I KNOW there are better choices than that. What you do: 1) look for a street that has a lot of houses decorated/lit up, especially if Grace’s friends live in the area. 2) take Grace there. OMG, two steps! So hard! Not.

Okay, I guess I am done with the good stuff.

So here it is: I would describe myself as an apathetic agnostic atheist. I couldn’t care less if there was a “higher power” out there - personally I think not, but how can I know, yeah? But I do think some religious views and practices are stupid. Mostly the ones that harm or have the potential to harm others. I don’t think believers should get a free pass on crazy/harmful actions because they fall under the category of religion. However. HOWEVER. Ignoring someone’s cultural traditions and overtly disrespecting them just because you’re just too effing impatient? Is being an ass. You can think those traditions are pointless all you want, but show some respect to your fellow humans, dude.

Further, Danny trying to scam Ida-from-The-Middleman (yay Ida!) for the nice berber-carpeted apartment at half price? And thinking TV should be included in utilities? WTF, jerkface. Okay, maybe he’s just having problems coming to terms with all that’s been happening in his life lately, which is fine and understandable. But he had few if any redeeming features in this ep. I was glad the Camaro got two rocks through its windows, and I love the Camaro.

There are other things Danny did that bugged me (like the conversation about Lori’s costume), but I think I’m going to stop for now.

I’ve thought for a while that Danny is an asshole, so this isn’t really a revelation for me. But good god. Spread it out a little, writers! After the whole cheating thing, and the ignoring Kono and her problems thing, and a few times where he’s treated a suspect just as bad or worse than Steve would have, and then this... I don’t really like him. At… all.


So Castle again next week. Sorry H5-0, you’re just not cutting it.

Finally and in other news, I think I know why I like 2 Broke Girls. I wish I could be as bitchy and vocally apathetic as Max. I also wish I could be as confident and optimistic as Caroline. Sort of… contradictory, but I think that’s what it is. Also, the selling-a-homemade-product thing is something near and dear to my heart, and the hilarity is just icing on the cupcake. XD

And since it’s Wednesday and I haven’t posted this: Oh, Revenge. You are so, so sweet. The show is just delicious in the best way. I CANNOT WAIT to see what happens with Tyler and Nolan - oooh, I want Nolan to destroy him. And what is up with Mrs. Frederick - I mean, the warden? I want to see more of her! And real!Emily sounds like she’s going to be trouble. It’s too bad she didn’t get to Frank before he called Victoria, but I predicted him dying at her hand. I mean, “have you told anyone else about me?” is pretty obviously the prelude to “good! Then you’re dead.” He was getting way too nosy anyway. How did he get into Mrs. Freder- the warden’s office, anyway? Sneaky bastard.

I just love Daniel to pieces, though. Any chance he’s going to not really die? T_T I don’t want him to die.

And finally (since I fail at posting things), a thought that I had regarding one of The Big Bang Theory’s promo spots this week. The promos implied that Amy wanted to have sex with Sheldon, and after a shot of Amy cuddling him with him sitting there awkwardly, the voiceover asked “Is this the night Sheldon joins the human race?”

Wow. Okay, I know we already have the cultural assumption that you don’t become an adult until you have sex, but human? Uh, ouch? That’s really, really marginalizing to me as an asexual, on top of a lot of already marginalizing and painful stuff. None of my experiences involved people being deliberately malicious, thankfully, but some people’s do, and it doesn’t fucking matter, anyway. Despite all of Sheldon’s weird and obnoxious quirks, he is most definitely human. Setting benchmarks for “humanness” is dangerous and stupid. All humans are human, full stop. Even people we can’t understand. Even people we hate. Even sociopathic serial killers. And it’s not funny to joke otherwise.

Right, so, that was probably way too deep for something that was just intended to get people to watch a silly show (sex does sell, after all), but it bugged the hell out of me. Ugh.

Finally finally, I had a dream on Wednesday that I was at a market and there was corn on sale for 25 cents an ear. I was looking at it, and instead of being yellow, white, or bicolor, it was red. "Cool," I thought, and put some in my basket. I woke up and was like "WTF? There's no such thing as red corn!" But then I remembered strawberry corn, and thought that I had better Google that shit. Guess what? There is red corn, and it looks EXACTLY LIKE IT DID IN MY DREAM. Creepy. I don't even like corn all that much. Why was I dreaming about it?

whiskey. tango. foxtrot., addicted to the tv, hawaii five-oh hell yeah, asexy, dreams, squee!

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