Mar 14, 2006 22:18
Class: Strategies for Technical Professionals
Basically, the goal of this course is to teach me how to use the internet and Microsoft Office. It is a requirement of EVERY major that passes through that college. I can't test out or anything like that. My only saving grace was that it is my online course for the quarter, so I should be able to just do it all at home and skip the drive and the classroom altogether. I say this WAS my saving grace because she informs the class this is no longer the case. Before, she said, they used to allow the whole thing to go online and stuff. Then she said too many kids were dropping the class because of attendence policy and stuff like that... and given the importance of the course (it is required by every major to graduate) they decided it needed the overhead of a classroom setting. So now... attendence on campus is a requirement... even though the whole damn thing is set up online. If I don't goto class it won't drop me because it's an online course, but the instructor will be able to hack a good 10% off my final grade because of attendence grading. She said maybe around the 7th week she will start letting attendence slide if you are ahead of schedule and need the time out of class for other things. Hopefully I'll be able to talk to her and get out of it sooner than that... I'm sure the distance of my commute will be a really strong arguement in my favor and I'm more than capable of doing all the class work in my sleep. Tomorrow I have my programming class, which is my only core course this quarter. Hopefully it can keep me interested because Computer Retard 101 isn't going to cut it.
Now it's off to a looooong night at Kroger...