In the past three days, we've watched the joyous marriages of hundreds of loving couples in California. Some have been together for a few months, some for over 50 years.
The media has focused on the celebrations and ceremonies, but this is really about something far deeper.
So we've put together
a remarkable video, which captures the emotional resonance of the simple words that so many have waited so long to say: "We're married."
We've also reached 977,466 names on our Million for Marriage petition, thanks to you! Will you help spread the joy of this week by sending the video to friends and asking them to sign?
Watch now and ask friends to add their name next to yours on the Million for Marriage petition. The right-wing groups behind California's discriminatory ballot initiative - the one that seeks to roll back this victory in November - claim they got 1.1 million people to sign their petition.
(OK, they paid people to gather those signatures...)
So we're upping the ante on Million for Marriage. Help us get to 1.1 million the old-fashioned way - with genuine grassroots activism.
I know there are more advocates for freedom and equality than for bigotry and bias. Let's show it.
Click here to enlist the support of everyone you know - everyone who believes, simply, that two people who love each other should be able to get married if they choose. Thank you for everything you've done to make this happy day possible. Your energy, your support, and your commitment have brought America closer to an historic civil rights breakthrough.
Joe Solmonese