Jul 03, 2007 17:12
I saw Transformers the movie like, 4 days ago. In short, I have never been glued to the theater seat as much as I did watching this movie.
Seriously, if you like giant robots and explosions, this movie has it aplenty. And I'm not even talking about "oh just tough it out and watch stupid actors acting badly for 30 minutes before the big pay-off climatic battle", no sir-ree! This movie is plenty of action from the first 5 minutes. All the human "drama" are there just for your exhausted brain to take a break from the awesome explosions and battles. This movie really blew me away on the stuff they managed to do.
The big pros:
- This is NOT a kiddy movie! The Decepticons are scary and the battles are brutal despite not being gory. They raked up the casualty! Even civilians!
- The "sound". If you grew up with Transformers, then you'd remember the "sound". The movie has it although not all the time, which is good.
- Humans don't suck. Some are cheesy but none of them are annoying, unlike other 'epic' movies where they always got at least one annoying guy/kid/dog.
- Robots are huge. They did a great job making them look ridiculously large without them appearing like toys on a miniature set.
- Good pacing. This is rare for an 'epic' movie. It's usually 45 minutes of human characters yapping about their everyday problems before the meat of the movie (which in this case, giant transforming robots) only comes out in the end. Not with this one. It hammers the awesomeness into your brain within 5 minutes.
- Ridiculously awesome and intricate (and LONG) final battle. Forget the bullshit from other 'epic' movies where the climactic battle is done somewhere remote! In this one it's done in the middle of New York city on a busy day! Civilians are getting caught in the crossfire and thrown off buildings because 2 giant robots went through them!!
- The special effects is CRAZY good! You'd have a hard time trying to see which part is CG and which is not. It's better than LOTR and Star Wars by MUCH.
- Bumblebee is not an annoying Fagotron like in the series. In fact, he's pretty cool.
- Optimus is SPOT ON. Even with flame decals. Only a real man's, uh, robot, can make flame decals look manly and awesome.
The cons:
- Not enough time to establish the other minor robots, but it's not a big let-down as the movie must be done in a reasonable amount of time.
- Some minor weird plot points.
- Annoying Sector 7 guy. But at least he's not embarrassing like Anakin Gaywalker.
- That's it!!
I have a very short list of movies I actually wanted to see in the theater for a second time all my life. That list is: Terminator 2: Judgement Day, Jurassic Park, The Matrix, LOTR: The Two Towers, X-Men, The Incredibles and Gladiator.
Now I'm adding Transformers to that list.