[1] What did you want to be when you were younger? When I was four, my mother asked me, and I said "a daddy".
[2] What's your favorite type of music? Let's go with... Indie and Alt. Country
[3] What do you spend most your time doing? Tetris.
[4] Would you rather stay at home or go out? I'm comfortable at home.
[5] What is your favorite 'fast food' restaurant? I like A&W. or Wendy's.
[6] What is your favorite restaurant? Montana's
[7] Are you a farmer? You know it, bitch.
[8] If you could marry anyone who would it be? Boyd the Emo Sock.
[9] How much do you think about the oppisite sex? Meh, who knows. What about the same sex?
[10] What's your favorite toothpaste? Oh my god there was this absolutely intense toothpaste my grandparents had when I was little and it didn't come out of a tube it came out of a goddamned DISPENSER and it was awesome.
[11] What kind of grades do you make? Meh, I could make 90s.
[12] If you could go anywhere where would you go? Toronto. or Wales.
[13] How many people do you live with? My folks and brothers. 4 other.s
[14] What is your favorite sport? I'm not what you would call "athletic"
[15] How many kids do you want? Meh.
[16] What would you name them? Chris 1, Chris 2 and Chris 3.
[17] What color lipgloss/lipstick do you usually wear? I should start wearing lipstick.
[18] Coke or Pepsi? Coke.
[19] What's the last thing you bought from a Pharmacy? Does Lawtons count? If so, a bottle of Dr Pepper.
[20] Have you ever been in a wreck? Can't say so.
[21] When do you usually go to bed? Around midnight.
[22] Whats the worst thing you ever did? Haha I dunno.
[23] Do you attend church? I'd like to.
[24] How many friends do you have? Several.
[25] What's your greatest accomplishment? Revitalizing the RFTT team this year. I'm so proud.
[26] What do you plan to be when you're older? Mr. Gould.
[27] What's your favorite PJ's? My blue-and-white old man pjs.
[28] What's your favorite thing to do? I'm so lame. Surf Wikipedia for hours. or play RFTT. Or work on writing this hit play.
[29] What color hair do you have? Brown.
[30] Do you sing well? Not at all.
[31] Have you ever been in love?
[32] Would you eat a cochroach for $500? Money is inconsequential. I'd eat a cockroach to eat a cockroach.
[33] Are you afraid of the dark? I used to be. Now I find it soothing.
[34] Are you bored? Kind of.
[35] Where's the last place you've been? I went for a walk last night.
[36] Do you wear a lot of black? Not really.
[37] Do you get along with your parents? A lot of the time, yeah.
[38] Would you consider yourself 'popular'? Not at all.
[39] Do you live in the country, burbs, or city? I live in what would be described as a town sort of environment. Its not the city. But it is in the city. Just on the other side of the river. Houses around, but not suburbia, if you understand what I'm getting at.
[40] Most painful experience? I dunno. Physically, falling down the stairs in grade 8. It wrecked my back.
[41] Most happy experience? I don't know. I'll figure it out.
[42] Have you ever been stalked? Probably.
[43] Have you ever egged a house? Nope.
[44] Do you go hunting (deer,duck,etc)? I go pizza hunting.
[45] Do you support PETA? PETA is on crack.
[46] Do people think you're crazy? Yeah. Yeah they do.
[47] How many people on your buddylist? 187.
[48] NHL or NFL: MLB.
[49] Do you ever scream into a pillow? No I just sort of tear them apart.
[50] Have you ever drowned a fish? I've made a fish explode.
[51] How many songs do you know all the words to? Several. Bowl Of Oranges by Bright Eyes.
[52] Do you listen to The Beatles? Yes I do.
[53] Do you listen to Eminem? Nah.
[54] Do you know anyone who thinks they're Eminem? Plenty of folk.
[55] Do you read books often? Yes. Quite often.
[56] Do you strive to fit in? I've kind of given up on that.
[57] Fave gum? I really don't know.
[58] Do you snore? I'll tell you once I get this warhol-esque film project underway.
[59] Are you afraid of thunderstorms? I LOVE thunderstorms. LOVE them.
[60] Do you care what you look like? Meh. To a point, I guess.
[61] Is your hair color fake? Nope. TOTAL 100% WEAV
[62] Whacha wearing? Plaid.
[63] When's the last time you talk to anyone? My mother like 20 minutes ago.
[64] Do you 'fall in love' easily? Not reallyyyyy.
[65] What's your best physical feature? I look damned sexy in bicycle shorts.
[66] What attracts you most to the oppisite sex? First thing I notice is their nose, then their hair. It works the same for the same sex. Then the personality has to come in to play.
[67] Are you picky about who you date? Haha.
[68] What's your favorite cologne? I don't know, I like the smell of musk.
[69] What's your favorite perfume? I don't really like any of that faux fruity/flowery stuff. Wear a flower in your hair. It smells better and looks cute.
[70] Do you like roller coasters? Not really. Log flumes, though, thats a whole other story. <3 log flumes.
[71] Have you ever flown in a airplane? I flew in an airplane when I was 8 months old. I flew in a helicopter when I was 10 months old! But that was to be airlifted to a hospital.
[72] Do you have 'big' feet? Meh. Size 13. Pretty large.
[72] Do you wear make-up? I probably should. That would be sexy.
[73] Have you ever went bungee jumping? That would scare the hell out of me.
[74] Ever been to Paris? I haven't. I dunno, though, Rachel says its not all its cracked up to be. I would rather go to London.
[75] Do you believe in Vampires? I definitely do.
[76] If you could become a Vampire, would you? No.
[77] Would you call yourself normal? What exactly constitutes "normal"?
[78] Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Not yet.
[79] Have you ever stolen anything? Yeah.
[80] Do you eat seafood? sushi!
[81] Have you ever been drunk or high or both? Yes, yes, and no.
[82] Ever drove while drunk? Nope.
[83] Do you drink a lot or at all? I used to drink a lot. Now I don't at all.
[84] Have you ever lit yourself on fire? NO BUT I LIT MY DESK ON FIRE IN GRADE TEN
[85] How many people do you trust with your life? Myself.
[86] Are you considered intelligent? I'm not sure.
[87] Are you considered a nerd? Yes I am.
[88] Do you talk on the phone a lot? No.
[89] How often do you take a shower? Every morning. Sometimes before bed.
[90] What kind of bodywash do you use? Whatever is sitting there. I'm not picky.
[91] What's your favorite candy bar? MOUNDS
[92] Ever got a detention? Not for awhile.
[93] Ever been suspended? Contrary to popular belief, no I was not suspended. Not in grade 6, nor grade 10. Nor ever, really.
[94] Better: Punk or Prep? Hmm. One isn't better than the other. Everyone should be equal.
[95] Ever blew a beverage out your nose? Not on purpose.
[96] Do you like jaw breakers? Hmm. Meh.
[97] What color is your room? Shades of brown. The carpet is gray-blue.
[98] What do you say a lot? I'm pretty sure I say the word 'the' a lot... and 'a'.
[99] What's your best personality trait? I listen!
[100] What's your worst personality trait? I'm erratic. Confusing. Actually, I think thats more my best trait. Haha.
[101] Do you have any medical problems? Some sort of problem with my traechea that makes it hard for me to breathe. I can't spell it. But its cos I was 2 weeks premature.
[102] Are you listening to anything? Sigur Ros - Flugfrelsarinn
[103] What's the last movie you've watched in Theatres? It's been ages, I have no idea.
[104] Who is your favorite friend? They're all equal. But Neil came for New Years Eve. Haha.
[105] Who do you get along with the best? Well since Alyson and I are like the same person, I dunno.
[106] Who do you fight with a lot? I dislike conflict.
[107] Who is your funniest friend? Neil. Hands down.
[108] Do you talk too much? Yes.
[109] Ever fell asleep in class? I have. ToK.
[110] Sneakers or open-toed shoes? Loafers.
[111] Can you do a cartwheel? No.
[112] Ever been camping? Every weekend in the summer.
[113] Shorts or jeans? Jeansssss
[114] Double dates or just the two of you? Any date. I want a date.
[115] Do you go to camp? No sir.
[116] When's the last time your parents spanked you? I don't remember.
[117] Can you rhyme well? No.
[118] Have you ever belonged to a gang? Haha thats right, I'm hardcore.
[119] Know people who belong to a gang? Honestly, no.
[120] Do you smoke ciggarettes? Nah.
[121] Indoors or outdoors? Yeah. Depends on how I'm feeling. I like outside though.
[122] Have you ever gotten beaten up? Yeah. A few times.
[123] Do you know how to cook? I can make sushi.
[124] Do you know how to do laundry? Yeah.
[125] When you get a pizza, how many slices do you eat? However many I can get my hands on.
[126] How tall are you? 6'3"
[127] Do you consider yourself too fat/skinny? Thin. I'm losing weight again. Not good.
[128] Do you watch the superbowl? Bits and pieces.
[129] What's your least favorite color? I don't have one.
[130] Have you ever faked being sick? Yeah.
[131] Ever done something illegal? A few things.
[132] What's the longest you've stayed up? Like 32 hours or so.
[133] Are you afraid of dying? Yeah I am.
[134] What's your biggest regret? Not really sure.
[135] Ever picked up a hitchiker? I should, someday.
[136] Is your name on any bathroom walls? No. I don't write my name. I write other messages.
[137] Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? No sir.
[138] What annoys you most? Liars, people who go back on what they've told you, my brother, etc.
[139] Fave 'scary' movie? Does Evil Dead count? Haha
[140] Fave 'action' movie? Star Warsssss
[141] Fave 'romantic' movie? Garden State.
[142] Do you have an accent? I have a Canadian one.
[143] Who is your role model? Well, I've had four teachers who really inspired me. Mrs Ryan, who I had in grades 4 and 5, Mr Anderson, my grade 7 english teacher, Mr Oulton, last year's english teacher, and Mr Gould, the most intense history teacher ever. I guess they're kind of my role models for my choosing of my career that I think I'd like to do at least. My dad is a major influence on who I am, how I act, even though I didn't really realize this, and so are my friends. And then theres Conor Oberst. Wait til you see my new wardrobe.
[144] Do you like surprises? Of course.
[145] What's the ideal age to die? Yeah, I like what Karissa said. When I've completed everything I want to complete.
[146] Do you like to dance? I don't know if you'd call it 'dancing'. But yeah.
[147] Ever took ballet? Nah.
[148] Bold or pastel colors? Tree colours.
[149] Do you still wear Tommy Hilfiger? I never did.
[150] What brand do you wear most? I have no idea. I shop a lot at JC Penneys?
[151] What do you normally watch on TV? Corner Gas, the Daily Show, the Simpsons, Arrested Development, House, CSI.
[152] Do you have any 'special' talents? Tetris.
[153] What's your favorite sport? Tetris.
[154] Can you swim? Pretty well. Well, I used to be able to. I could swim before I could walk.
[155] Can you play a musical instrument? The guitar.
[156] What star sign are you? Libra.
[157] Do you prefer public schools or private? Public, but I wish I had a uniform.
[158] Do you care what people think? To a point.
[159] Have you ever shot a gun? Nope.
[160] What's your biggest fear? Failure I think.
[161] How many hours of sleep do you normally get? I don't know, 7 on a good night.
[162] Regular ice or crushed ice? Crushed ice I think.
[163] Blue ink or black ink? I <3 green ink.
[164] Are your clothes mostly loose or tight fit? Loose, mostly.
[165] Have any peircings? Nope.
[166] Gold or silver? Gold I guess.
[167] What kind of shampoo/conditioner do you use? Head & Shoulders.
[168] Do you blow dry your hair? Nope.
[169] What do you sleep in? Pyjamas.
[170] What's the last book you've read? I have Catcher In The Rye and a novel by Jane Urqhart on the go right now.
[171] Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera? Madonna
[172] Spiderman or Dare Devil? Spiderman
[173] Have you ever broken a bone? Fingers and toes.
[174] Shower or Bath? Both.
[175] Do you have an cavities? I have weak teeth. So yeah. No matter how hard I try. It bothers me.
[176] Have you ever wore braces? We talked about it with my dentist, but my teeth wouldn't survive it. They're that weak.
[177] What do you live in? I've been BungalOWNED
[178] Would you choose true love or to be rich? I'd rather be rich in love than rich in money. True love. For sure.
[179] Do you have Cable? Satellite.
[180] Do you play any computer games? Sim City 2000.
Anyway, yeah, my christmas was kind of uneventful, so was my new year. I got a new camera. I got some lovely films. I don't know what to talk about, this is why I haven't been updating.
I love you.
You are beautiful.