(no subject)

Sep 10, 2011 17:17

Player Information:
Name or Handle: Tiffany
LJ: arcesso
Email: live.infamy [at] gmail.com
AIM/ MSN / Plurk name: to boldly trek @AIM, invoke @plurk
Any current characters here?: Buffy Summers, Peter Petrelli, Chloe Sullivan

Character Information:
Character Name: Lisa Henrietta Reisert
Age: roughly 26
Canon: Red Eye

Just a few sentences describing your character's outward appearance. We don't want eighty paragraphs on the color of their fine, Corellian brandy-brown eyes (well, actually, that could be hilarious. Go for it.) but if your character has any unusual physical attributes this would be a good place to make a note of them

Personality: Lisa has always been exceptionally polite and had a particularly sunny disposition. She makes every effort to extend kindness to others even if most people wouldn't pay any particular attention to them, or would look down on them for some reason. Lisa automatically searches for and focuses on the best aspects of people, regardless of whether or not they good outweigh the bad.

An inherent optimist, Lisa's view of life has become more negative since her rape, however, she tries to counteract this by consciously forcing herself into optimism and cheerfulness even when it's not how she truly feels. She's responsible and generally confident, though she shows a high degree of self doubt whenever someone gets too close - physically and emotionally.

She's exceptionally empathetic, and she always looks out for others before herself. In the movie, she shows a considerable difference in her reaction to fearing for her own safety versus fearing for Charles O'Keefe and even her father's. Perhaps for this reason, she's very much a people-pleaser. At her job at the hotel, she takes the mantra 'the customer is always right' to an unprecedented extreme.

While she strives to avoid conflict at any cost, most often by caving and giving into the demands of the other party, that doesn't mean Lisa is emotionally weak or would be helpless in a fight. Perhaps it's her conservative upbringing, but she's completely comfortable with asserting herself.

During the escapade on the red eye out of Dallas and the subsequent attack in her father's house, she shows a full capability in fighting back and a certain ingenuity in her methods. While not entirely impassive, she shows that she behaves exceptionally well under pressure and keeps her head straight when most would be incapable. After the flight and attack, she steps up to take charge of her life once more. She becomes more assertive and opinionated, casting off the meek and self-aware shell she'd let herself crawl into after her rape.

Lisa has a strong moral center and it's part of what drives her to frequently ask the question why. She asks herself this about her rapist every day and several times through the movie she demands it of Jackson. She's driven by a sense of personal morality that prevents her from understanding, an inherent curiosity and, in a convoluted sense, her empathy to want to know the answer to that kind of question. Lisa is the kind of person who believes she can fix people if she tries hard enough to simply understand them.

With godawful trust issues instigated by her rape companioned with a striking paranoia, Lisa's just one big ball of issues. With her personality and her inability to say 'no,' she's simply a magnet for the kind of dangerous people that she behaves that way to avoid.

If you are apping a character arriving from another game: Lisa didn't honestly change that much over the course of her time in dramadramaduck (henceforth referred to as DDD). She's still a very righteous person, she still has issues trusting people for fear of what could happen to them if she does, and she's still a do-er. She takes action when it's necessary to protect herself and others.

But, in two very key way, she did change. Not at her core, but in a way that she adapted to cope.

1. She's more involved with Jackson now than she ever was in canon. Because he's stalked and terrorized her and tried to kill her again, she can't just shake him off and walk away. Because he saved her life, there's also a part of her that wants to believe he can be redeemed. Instead of avoiding him, she lets him come to her and tries to manipulate him into seeing that he has emotions and feelings and guilt about what he's done, hoping she can stop him. Since she obviously can't kill him. :|

2. She's learned to cope better with horrifying things. Between Jackson and the Joker and other weirdness, she's a stronger person. Instead of shrinking back and being terrified at first, she's not afraid to be stupid enough to backtalk to a killer. She's faced them, and she's survived. This frequently ends poorly for her. But, she'll do it anyway, because she'd rather do that than let people act as though they have some kind of power over her.

Background: Two years prior to the events of the movie, Lisa Reisert was raped in a parking lot in the middle of the day. The man held a knife to her throat the entire time, leaving a scar on her breast just below the neckline of most v-neck shirts. She became quite reclusive, not doing much else but work and sleep, her personal life disappeared. A manager at the Lux Atlantic Hotel in Miami, she appointed her assistant as manager while she went to her grandmother's funeral in Dallas. When she's boarding the flight back, she meets the charming Jackson Rippner in the line while they're being delayed and rerouted. They go to get drinks while they wait, and he continues to turn on the charm.

When she boards the plane, she's pleasantly surprised to find that he is in the seat beside her. Once the plane takes off, Jackson informs Lisa that he is managing a terrorist organization that is trying to assassinate the Deputy Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security - Charles Keefe, a personal friend of Reisert's who, that night, is checking into the hotel Lisa manages. He tells Lisa that if she doesn't move him to Suite 4080, where his men can safely shoot him from the bay, then her father will be killed by one of his men.

At first, Lisa tries to play hero. First, she writes and SOS in a book that she lent to another passenger. Jackson catches on and headbutts Lisa unconscious, then goes to knock the other woman unconscious as well and steal her book. When she wakes, she sneaks away to the bathroom and writes "bomb in (Rippner's seat)" in soap. However, Jackson catches on and follows her to the bathroom. Seeing the message, he shoves her inside and tells her that their partnership won't work if she isn't "honest with him." He then notices the scar on her chest and asks how she got it, she evades and they return to their seats after being chastised by the stewardess for using the bathroom as a motel.

The first time she tries to call, the phone cuts out. After she finally moves him, Rippner says he can't let her father go until they've landed and the hit has been made. The plane lands, and Lisa tells the story of how she got the scar. She says there's one thing she learned from it and Jackson asked if it was that she realized there were some things that were just out of her control. She retorts by saying that what she decided was that she'd never let it happen again and proceeded to stab Jack in the throat with a pen immediately afterward. She makes a run for it, changing her appearance as she darts through the airport. She steals an SUV, and Rippner's cell phone, and calls the hotel to move Keefe out of the room just in time. She heads for her house and runs through the front door in order to kill the man who was going inside to kill her father.

Jackson, however, follows her. He knocks her father out and attempts to attack her as well, but Lisa winds up shooting him. It is unclear of whether he lives or dies, but Lisa appears to have become empowered because after the police arrive she goes to the hotel and tells off a group of customers who were harassing her assistant while they were on the phone.

Canon point: Post-film.

If you are apping a character arriving from another game: The game canon I'll be introducing her from took place at dramadramaduck. The varying entries will be scattered through that community, ripp_ner's journal and nobaybreezes's journal, mostly.

After the end of the film's plot, Lisa returned to a normal life. Jackson was supposed to be dead, so there was no worry there, and she could reclaim her life and live it to the fullest. She went back to work, etc., and decided to try a dating site since ... well, he pretty much helped her get over her issues from her rape.

Except the dating site rerouted her to dramadramaduck. She met a lot of people through the community, but the only ones of real importance were Larsa Solidor, Edward Nygma aka the Riddler, Clint Barton aka Hawkeye, and the Joker.

The Joker more or less trolled Lisa repeatedly, trying to intimidate her and turn her dark side and use her like a plaything because she had this self-righteous attitude and a tendency to bounce back like a bop bag. She was a fighter, which made it enjoyable for him.

Larsa was the emperor of a distant land that she kind of adopted a maternal sentiment for, regarding him as something as surrogate son because he had no parents and she's a compassionate person.

Edward Nygma was, as Lisa perceived him, a friend. She didn't know him as a supervillain, only someone who she could go to and rely on. Someone she trusted. Someone that Jackson didn't like and therefore, she regarded highly. Because it pissed Jackson off and she liked being friends with people he disapproved of.

And Clint, Lisa's best friend. Clint was the first person Lisa really opened herself up to after she broke out of her shell post-canon, so they developed a very close bond. They had something of a UST relationship going on but it was never resolved to anything for various reasons that I'll explain.

It became clear after she joined that Jackson was alive and also a part of the community. He used it to terrorize her, but because of the community's magic she couldn't really stop using it and it made itself an inconvenience. Jackson repeatedly threatened her life, made house calls, and generally continued to intimidate her.

When she began to grow especially close to Clint, Jackson threatened his life as well so she tried to put some distance between the two of them so that Clint couldn't be used against her and so that Jackson wouldn't hurt him. She lied to Clint repeatedly about Jackson and tried to hide it.

As the Joker became more of a threat, Lisa basically had Godzilla and Mothra on her hands and they routinely would compete and threaten one another acting like they were ~on Lisa's side~ or something to that end. At one point, the Joker even invaded Lisa's home just to show her the power he had over her. As such, she tried to manipulate Jackson. She played the victim and tried to turn him and Joker more violently against each other so that there'd be powerplay and they might destroy each other, leaving her to live her own life again.

The most key note of development for Lisa in all of this was during an event in which she was essentially mystically handcuffed to Jackson for a weekend. Once they figured out they'd get nauseous, pass out and generally hate life if they were far apart, they learned their lesson. Lisa woke up in Jackson's apartment -- an invasion of his space. It put things in his court and it gave her an in that he didn't like.

An ex-colleague of Jackson's showed up, threatened Jackson's life for failing his job in Miami, and tried to threaten Lisa to get to Jackson. Jackson reacted with surprising emotion, saving Lisa's life by working with her to get rid of the ex-colleague. Jackson nearly killed him, but when Lisa begged him to stop, they chose to escape instead and the man left with his life.

This bothered Jackson. He came after Lisa a few nights later, trying to kill her in her sleep, because he was starting to act emotionally and erratically. Her existence had become a casualty for him. He tried to kill her to convince himself he wasn't emotionally invested, but he couldn't. She survived. She always survived.

Special Abilities: None

Sect: Civilian

Job: Lisa has been working as a receptionist at a resort on Mon Calamari since she arrived three months ago.


First Person:
This is a holovid or datapad post for your character, similar to writing in a journal. These posts can be auditory, video, or text.

Third Person:
Please provide a sample of your character using third-person, or prose, style writing. You may also link us to a prose log with which your character participated in.

Anything Else:
Any additional notes can go here, such as roommate preference if applicable. If you are bringing a character in from another game and have not yet mentioned the name of the game, here would be a good place.
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