Dec 23, 2003 22:17
Today.. woke up... Gave.. Micheal, Alyssa, and Brittany.. a bath.. then got ready.. picked up Brandon.. took my car in.. Then Brandon.. my mom.. Brittany.. Brandon*nephew*.. Micheal ..and Alyssa.. all went out to eat.. then Brandon and I took my 2 nieces and 2 nephews bowling.. that was some fun.. and 2 6yr olds.. and a 5yr old.. Kicked.. Brandon.. mine.. and little Brandon's.. Butts! lmao.. fun shit.. NE WAYS... after that ... we took them all home.. I came home.. took a nap.. and here i am now.. talking on the phone to Amanda.. and Waiting to See if Brandon.. is coming out to eat with us.. FUN shit! soo yea.. my day was pretty eventful.. but i'm going now.. cuz i'm hurgry.. and about to kick some Brandon behide.. cuz he is taking too long.. ooo yea.. i'm probably going to... Well not going to say nething right now.. cuz i'm sure Brandon will read this.. lmao.. soo LaTeR!