*^*~*My WeeKenD*~*^*

Jan 04, 2004 17:29

Well.. my Vaca went by REAL quick.. that sucks.. oo well.. Thursday.. Amanda and I hung out.. went and got the pics from Sara's BDay party.. then got some movies.. and pizza.. picked up her bf.. Then came back here.. and chilled. that was pretty cool.. Friday .. i babysat from 8am til 6pm.. LONG day.. lol.. but it was cool.. Alyssa and Micheal were pretty good for me.. after that called up Amanda.. we hung out around 11pm.. after she got done hangin with her bf.. BLAH.. then.. later i went and hung out with Mike.. ended up falling asleep there.. got home.. and slept a little more on Saturday.. then Candi and Jay brought Alyssa and Micheal here.. soo they could see Grandma Carolyn *my mom* lol. and They drove me nuts and watched some movies in my room.. then went to bed.. Alyssa spent with me.. and of course i barely spelt cuz it is a twin bed.. and Alyssa is ALL over the place.. Ne ways.. woke up this morning.. felt like shit.. soo was in bed most of the day.. But here i am now.. Talked to a friend of mine for a little while.. he lives in rockford.. and was in lansing.. said the roads are bad.. and its snow like hell over there.. Sucks for them.. were not getting shit over here... but i probably spoke to soon.. and we will get ours tonight.. lol.. soo i'm hopin in the shower.. LaTeR!
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