Be the friend for another that would be most beneficial for your life.
Regard him as one who
points out treasure,
the wise one who
seeing your faults
rebukes you.
Stay with this sort of sage.
For the one who stays
with a sage of this sort,
things get better,
not worse.
Let him admonish, instruct, deflect you
away from poor manners.
To the good, he's endearing;
to the bad, he's not.
Don't associate with bad friends.
Don't associate with the low.
Associate with admirable friends.
Associate with the best.
Drinking the Dhamma,
Refreshed by the Dhamma,
one sleeps at ease
with clear awareness & calm.
---The Buddha (Dhammapada, chapter 6, "The Wise.")
These are the words that resonate in my heart at this time about the friend I wish to be for those I love:
Be the friend that makes a beneficial impact.
Be the friend who overlooks shortcomings.
Be the friend who forgives scratches made by rough edges.
Be the friend who cries tears of anger in seclusion,
but cries tears of reconciliation in plain view.
Be the friend who says what needs saying,
and pay close attention to what you say--for it's likely a message needing to be heard by you.
We are all One.