May 14, 2005 21:45
I really could use an orange right now, but I hate how your hands get all citrusy (yea for making up words). Anyways, well lets see. Not too much is new. I had to find a new ER buddy; that was sad. What s show it was. Oh man, Noah looked sexier than normal too especially when he was all wet from the rain!!! I have to find a way to buy the seasons, but they are so damn expensive. Next week's show is going to be a rough one for me. Yes, I think I just might cry. So I a trying to figure out my summer. I have 3 options, and I am going to try and fit all three in, but that would mean I would be very busy. I have about 4 babysitting offers, that alone is enough to stay busy with. I want to take anatomy class at community college, because it will be much easier there especially while I have no other courses to be concerned with. I also want to work at the hospital. So I don't know what is going to happen or how this is going to play out. I also really really really need to know where I am going to school in the fall. It isn't fair anymore, and the longer I wait the more I feel like I am not going to get in. Ahh!!!!