"Hold the phone!"

Aug 01, 2011 09:13

Hello rewatchers! Now that the nasty Russian hackers seem to have backed off, we can get back to the important business of our soap rewatch. Viva free speech! Viva LJ!

We pick up right where we left off (a rarity in Oakdale!) with Luke tailing Reid into Java to tell him that he was wrong to tell Katie to leave Chris's side.

Luke: "How could you be so heartless?"


Seriously, writers? Seriously? I've already ranted about the ridiculous, totally unnecessary Reid redemption arc in previous recaps, and the heart-related anvils they peppered in the final weeks of episodes were appalling. Such hacks. Here they have Luke completely overreacting just to get in a "heartless." It's pathetic. But I could rant about that all day, so I'll stop now. Reid says that Chris is dying and he doesn't need any more stress, and that Katie is still mourning Brad and now Nancy, and there's only so much a person can take.

Luke thinks that Reid is projecting, and it's Reid who can't handle emotions, and that he's closed off, etc. Luke rubs his face adorably and says he can't believe he just told Noah he's in love with Reid. He leaves, and a shocked Reid utters the classic subject line of this post and chases after him. Luke admits that he did say it, but that he's angry with Reid. Reid tries to lighten the mood, and Luke slaps him upside the head and tells him not to try being cute. In the immortal words of Yoda, There is no try, only do. Luke shyly adds, "But, you could tell me that you love me whenever you want." OH, BOYS. How I love them. Reid says if he told Luke now, Luke would just think Reid was trying to diffuse his anger. He goes on to try and explain further that he's seen Katie's suffering and she just needs to prep for battle. Luke makes a good point in that Chris could die tonight and Katie would have to live with that. I think they both have valid points and that Luke overreacted, but I love to see how they talk things out.

Luke goes to Memorial to visit the dying douche, who blathers on about Katie and whatnot and I don't really care what Chris thinks about anything. Luke is sweet with him, though. Because Luke is love. Meanwhile, Reid gives John Dixon the gears about not doing enough for Chris. Awww, Reid. He's such a good man. NO REDEMPTION NECESSARY, KTHX. Ahem. Moving on. Bob and Reid talk, and Bob says he's tried to be a friend and mentor, and that Reid should have told him about Chris the moment he found out, since now Chris has a damaged heart and may die. Okay, Bob? I love ya. Always have. And I get that your son is dying and it's tough to take, but the only person at fault for Chris's damaged heart? IS CHRIS.

He should have told everyone about his illness the minute he got back from overseas. MONTHS ago. But he didn't, because he wanted to get into Katie's pants, and then he wanted the CoS job. His selfish stupidity put him in this position, and Reid was only honouring doctor/patient confidentiality. Reid tells Bob that he urged Chris to tell Bob, and that he made the best decisions he could under the circumstances. He says Bob should take it up with Chris. Preach, Reid!

Now it's Kim's turn to lash out at Reid, saying that Reid must be happy that now he'll have a straight shot to the CoS job and he'll take advantage of Chris's poor health. Reid insists that isn't true, and Kim starts crying and saying more mean things until Bob comes along and stands up for Reid. He tells Kim that Reid has helped Chris and that he called in John, and went to help Chris on the golf course. Kim tearfully apologizes to Reid, saying that she's the one with the tired old heart, yet Chris is dying. Aww, Kim. *sniffles*

John and Luke have a talk, and John wonders if Reid can be trusted. Luke says he's sure that Reid won't let him down. At Katie's, Reid tells Katie that he's an idiot about romance and she shouldn't have listened to him. Oh, Reid. Eric and Terri really do a great job here talking about being there for Chris and how Katie should get her butt back to the hospital where it belongs. She wonders what brought on his change of heart, and he tells her Luke slapped him around earlier. Katie: "Good for him." She goes on to say that Luke is worth it, and Reid replies, "So is Chris." Yeah, gonna have to strenuously beg to differ there, bb! Reid gets paged away, and he blows Katie a kiss as he's going. Meep. BUT IT'S OKAY, BECAUSE THEY'LL SEE EACH OTHER AGAIN OFTEN SINCE REID IS ALIVE AND WELL.

At the hospital, Luke and Reid talk outside Chris's room. Reid tells Luke that he had a change of heart and talked to Katie, and that Luke was right. "I guess I realized that if you really love someone, that you shouldn't run away from it just because it scares you." Luke smiles and says that's good advice, and they laugh about Reid telling Katie to man up.

Luke: "I've got to hand it to you, Dr. Oliver. You sure know how to surprise me."
Reid: "Well you know what, Mr. Snyder? Sometimes I surprise myself."

Then they stare at each other lovingly and sweetly, smiling. Then Chris's heart stops or something, but who gives a shit? DR. OLIVER AND MR. SNYDER LOVE EACH OTHER.

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bob has a man crush on reid, chris hughes = oakdale's next top douche, reid wants in luke's big gay pants, arguing equals foreplay, reid is in doctor mode, i am luke hear me roar, katie is banana to reid's peanut butter, luke's face, luke/reid rewatch, luke gets his drama on, reid has frown face, luke = love, awesome moments in history, other oakdale ppl, luke gets what he wants

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