"Yes. Yes, I'm in love with Reid. I am."

Jul 25, 2011 09:31

We're coming into the home stretch, rewatchers! While we're sad to see the rewatch end, we're super excited to begin our Luke Snyder marathon. Can I get a hell yes?

But first, back to Luke and Reid, and their epic awesomeness. This episode features Noah at his very douchiest, and as you know, there is some stiff competition for that title. Reid encounters Noah at Java and tries to refer him to a doctor in LA. Noah, who seems to have forgotten that LUKE WAS NOT HIS BOYFRIEND AND/OR PROPERTY when Reid and Luke got together, acts like an ungrateful twat. When Luke walks in on the awkward situation, Noah tells Luke it's okay, he and Reid were just balancing the books.

Luke wonders WTF that means, and Noah replies that, "Reid is passing along a neurologist friend of his in LA, and I'm passing along...you."

Oh. My. God. I remember when this aired, I stared at my TV in shock, certain I couldn't have heard that correctly. After all the times Noah insisted he wanted to be on his own, and all the times he pushed Luke away, to turn around and treat Luke like a thing, like a piece of property to be accounted for, is just...wow. Appalling.

After Noah takes his douchey leave, Luke asks Reid what he said to Noah, which still bothers me a bit. Luke, wake up and smell the coffee. Noah's a dick, and Reid didn't provoke him. Luke goes after Noah because he doesn't want to end things between them badly before Noah leaves town. Which I, and Reid, understand.

At the hospital, there's Chris-related business that ends in Reid taking off to the golf course to stop Chris from being stupider than usual with his health. Meanwhile, Luke and Noah have an epic conversation of epicness in Old Town. Luke wants to stay friends and not be bitter. Noah says he knows he's supposed to take the high road and wish Luke and Reid well, but he's not that nice. Luke replies that Noah's one of the nicest people he's ever met. Oh, Luke. You need to get out more.

Noah says Luke has always believed in him and he doesn't want to go to LA on his own. He's still in love with Luke. But Luke tells him that he's in love with Reid. Noah thinks Reid is selfish and will hurt Luke (I'd say it's a pot/kettle situation, but Reid has never come close to doing anything in Noah's ballpark!), and then admits that he blamed Luke for the accident. "I wanted to punish you."


He finally admitted it! Noah is such a colossal douchebag. Everything is all about him, him, him. In his dreams for the future, Luke was always "right there, by [his] side." Yeah, like the loyal dog Noah has expected him to be for years, always coming back, no matter how many times Noah kicks him. I was glad Noah finally explicitly admitted that he wanted to punish Luke, and that blaming him for the accident was "easier than blaming [himself]." And there's Noah in a nutshell. Luke loved him and would have done anything for him; would have (and did!) move heaven and earth to help Noah. And Noah punished him and blamed him for something that was not Luke's fault.

AND YET. Noah still didn't apologize!! Admitting your bad behaviour is NOT an apology! As a former diehard Nuke fan, I BOGGLE at how awful Noah is. Then comes:

Luke: "This is me realizing that, although, yes, we loved each other, we were not right for each other."
Noah: "But you and Reid are?!"
Luke: "Yes."

Noah and Luke are OVER. Because not only are they not right for each other now, present tense, they never WERE right. (At least this is one thing the writers got right!) Luke is in love with Reid and he said so out loud! *twirls x infinity* Because he's such an empathetic person, Luke hates hurting Noah, but I'm so glad he laid it out and stood firm on the fact that he and Noah are done.

It's so telling that Noah says he didn't think the distance between them would last. Right, because in the past, no matter how many times the going got tough and Noah got going, Luke always took him back. That time is over, Noah. Luke still wants to be friends, but Noah says he can't. OKAY, BYE!

Luke goes to Katie's to find Reid, and they have a nice little talk about Nancy's death and Katie's fears about Chris and that she can't handle his health problems. On the golf course, Reid arrives and horns in on Chris's golf game with the board bigwig so he can convince Chris to stop being a dumbass. Reid is his snarky and awesome self, and has never played golf before. Hijinks ensue as Reid tries to end the game early. :D :D :D

Chris swoons in the heat, and Reid helps him back to the hospital because Reid is awesome and wonderful. He admits to Bob that Chris is indeed John's mystery patient. Katie arrives and is super stressed by Chris's worsening condition, so Reid tells her to go home and come back when she can deal. Katie hurriedly takes the out, and Luke is upset because he just gave Katie a pep talk to convince her she's strong enough. Reid doesn't see what the big deal is, and Luke goes after him. Needless to say, Reid will soon learn what the big deal is!

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chris hughes = oakdale's next top douche, reid and his boyfriends, reid is in doctor mode, entitled moments in history, luke puts on his big boy pants, the douche remains douchey, awesome moments in history, luke and reid need to touch, nuke ends forever! \o/, arguing equals foreplay, i am luke hear me roar, go luke! \o/, reid please cuddle luke, luke's face, luke/reid rewatch, reid pwns patient, luke = love, reid pwns noah, messing with luke's big gay head, douchey moments in history

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