"I want the whole enchilada"

Jul 18, 2011 08:12

There's so much I love in this episode, but also quite a bit that makes me want to do horrible things to the people who wrote it. But I long ago decided that the only way I could cope with this storyline is by ignoring... well, ignoring the parts that never happened. This is a happy place and I'm living in a happy little bubble where the bad parts ( Read more... )

luke wants in reid's pants, chris hughes = oakdale's next top douche, reid wants in luke's big gay pants, cockblockers association of oakdale, reid is in doctor mode, being reid's boyf is v awesome, panty melting hotness, luke's face, luke/reid rewatch, kissing!, flirty moments are flirty, luke = love, other oakdale ppl, comment fic

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Reid and Luke discuss Chris' condition - comment fic nancygrew July 18 2011, 16:07:30 UTC
“What about the consequences?” asked Reid..

“We’ll deal with them later,” assured Luke.

“If I tell Bob about Chris’ condition, Chris will get the help that he needs but I could end up losing my license for breaching doctor-patient confidentiality,” said Reid. “Saving Chris could destroy my career.”

“You’ve worked too hard to lose your career,” said Luke. “And it wouldn’t be fair to all of the patients that you’re going to save in the future. Is there another way to get Chris the help he needs?”

“Chris is refusing to take the tests he needs or to consult a cardiologist,” said Reid. “It’s like he’s willfully ignoring his condition hoping it will go away. I’m amazed that a nitwit like him ever graduated medical school. Has anyone ever actually seen his medical license?”

“Didn’t you actually go to med school with Chris?” asked a puzzled Luke. “You actually don’t remember him? You’re not just pretending to have no memory of him in order to mess with his head?”

“I have absolutely no memory of him from med school,” admitted Reid. “Not only was it a big school but I never felt the need to make friends with the C students. And I’m pretty sure that he must have been a C student if he did, in fact, attend medical school.”

“So, are you ethically allowed to hand Chris’ case over to a cardiologist due to the fact that you’re not a cardiologist?” asked Luke.

“You know that neurosurgeons are way more impressive, and sexier, than cardiologists, right?” frowned Reid.

“Guess I’ll have to throw out all of my posters of cute cardiologist that I cut out of Cardiology Heartthrobs magazine,” grinned Luke.

“If I can’t intimidate Chris into seeking treatment, I doubt that any of the on-staff cardiologists here will be able to do so,” sighed Reid. “Entitlement Lad never hesitates to play the ‘My Dad is the Chief of Staff’ card. Why did Katie have to fall in love with a worm like Chris?”

Luke shrugged. “She loves deeply but I think she kind of falls in love randomly. She once married a con man slash jewel thief named Simon Frasier.”

“She fell for a criminal?”

“Yep. The guy also had an affair with my mom once,” shrugged Luke. “So, if the cardiologists here aren’t an option to force Chris into getting treatment, can you call in a cardiologist from another hospital for a consultation? I’m willing to help you blackmail him or her into compliance.”

“Why don’t we start off with asking for a consult instead of jumping to blackmail?” suggested Reid while running his hand down Luke’s side.

“Like requesting a consult ever works,” sniffed Luke.

“I’ve been researching Chris’ condition and there is a doctor that has done a lot of work with the virus,” said Reid. “His name is John Dixon and he’s probably Chris’ best chance of survival. If Chris will actually listen to him.”

“John Dixon?” asked Luke. “Yeah, that could work.”

“You know a world-famous cardiologist?” asked Reid suspiciously.

“Well, it’s not like we’re BFFs,” said Luke. “But I am acquainted with him. He’s a rude, egotistical jerk. But he’s a brilliant doctor. He kind of reminds me of someone else.”

“Bob’s not that rude,” assured Reid.

Luke laughed. Reid grinned. He loved that he was always able to make Luke laugh.

“Go ahead and call John,” suggested Luke. “The sooner that Chris gets the help he needs, the sooner you can wash your hands of the matter.”

“Once the health crisis is over, I’ll still be stuck being the one who comforts Katie while she cries over the fact that her so-called boyfriend was willing to risk dying just so that he could get in her pants,” snarked Reid. “The jerk doesn’t have one redeeming quality but she does care for him.”

“You might want to resign yourself to the fact that there’s a good possibility that Chris Hughes is going to be your future roommate-in-law.”

“No way,” said Reid. “She’s way too smart to forgive him once she finds out what he’s been up to.”

Luke rubbed Reid’s back soothingly but didn’t say a word. Reid suspected that Chris really was going to end up as his roommate-in-law. He sighed and pulled out his cell phone.


Re: Reid and Luke discuss Chris' condition - comment fic sleeper6 July 18 2011, 16:52:45 UTC
Ha ha, so good. Luke and Reid know what a douche and idiot Chris is--just like we all do.


Re: Reid and Luke discuss Chris' condition - comment fic greek_09 July 18 2011, 17:50:24 UTC
Brilliant, though considering Chris' stupidity I'd say he flunked out of medical school.

He is such a douche. *rolls eyes*


Re: Reid and Luke discuss Chris' condition - comment fic writergirl2006 July 18 2011, 17:55:53 UTC
Ah, I love this little explanation of why Reid called John Dixon!! My favorite part:

“John Dixon?” asked Luke. “Yeah, that could work.”

“You know a world-famous cardiologist?” asked Reid suspiciously.

“Well, it’s not like we’re BFFs,” said Luke. “But I am acquainted with him. He’s a rude, egotistical jerk. But he’s a brilliant doctor. He kind of reminds me of someone else.”

“Bob’s not that rude,” assured Reid.

LOL! This was great!


Re: Reid and Luke discuss Chris' condition - comment fic kccalgal July 18 2011, 20:09:10 UTC
Of course John Dixon reminds Luke of Reid. John is Reid's long lost father!

Great fic.


Re: Reid and Luke discuss Chris' condition - comment fic peggin July 19 2011, 18:01:56 UTC
John is Reid's long lost father!

I don't think I'd want John to actually be Reid's father, because John is Luke's once and future step-grandfather. Even though they still wouldn't have any blood relation, it would kind of make Reid Luke's uncle, which would definitely squick me out!


Re: Reid and Luke discuss Chris' condition - comment fic karinskul July 18 2011, 22:29:49 UTC
“No way,” said Reid. “She’s way too smart to forgive him once she finds out what he’s been up to.”

Oh if only!!!


Re: Reid and Luke discuss Chris' condition - comment fic _alicesprings July 18 2011, 23:55:09 UTC
So good!!!


Re: Reid and Luke discuss Chris' condition - comment fic peggin July 19 2011, 18:04:15 UTC
I love this!


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