"Since when do brain surgeons do house calls in hotel rooms?"

Jul 14, 2011 01:18

Hola, Rojos, morning to you! Or, in my case, midnight to you and I'm just now starting the recap! Whee! More rambling insanity from Rhi!

People, today is the day that Luke makes this face!!!! This one right here:

Eeeeee!!!! Bitchface! Luke gives it so good! *dies* I love him and his bitchface!!! Luke, Luke, Luke, Luke, I looooooove you!!! (This comes as a shock to everyone in this comm, doesn't it? I know. Contain your amazement!)

Now, step behind this cut to see yet more bitchface from Luke!

I believe that cam_a made this gif of Luke's bitch face, too, and it is epic and awesome!

And you just know that if Reid had not been so incredibly worried that Luke was angry with him in today's clip, he probably would've made this face in response:

Let's all take a moment to imagine the future where Luke does the Bitch Plz! face and Reid does the epic eye roll in reply before giving in and doing whatever Luke wanted. If it weren't, you know, after midnight, my fanfic-y skillz might provide us with an actual example here, but, alas, I'm just thinking that it probably had to do with Ethan, the farm, a dog, a big mess, and Reid grumbles that it was all Ethan's fault, and Luke did the face, and Reid did the epic eye roll, and then Reid and Ethan had to clean up the big mess and give the dog a bath. Or something. *scratches head* Something a lot better than that. Use your imaginations, my bbs!!!

Okay, on to the recap!

So, as you recall, we last left off with Reid showing up oblivious to the seed of doubt in Reid's fidelity that our cunning mastermind of a villain, Noah, planted in our dear Luke's mind, and our Luke declared that he didn't believe a word that Reid had just said. (BTW, I feel dirty even jokingly calling Noah cunning. Not to mention it's close to cunnilingus and Noah and cunnilingus are a very upsetting combination. Oh, God, poor Maddie!!! :( *spits and shudders* Blech.)

Reid says one of my favorite lines of his ever. This is because of the delivery which is snarky, but also confused and kinda worried. "What exactly don't you believe? That there's a trustee's cocktail party? Or that I want you to come?"

Luke give a bitchface to die for and says that he doesn't give a damn about Reid's party.

Reid then looks nervous and I want to cuddle him! Oh, Reid!! And he says, all anxious-like, "Okay, what's wrong?"

Luke accuses Reid of lying, Reid says he didn't lie, Luke gives more bitchface and says that Reid wasn't at the hospital but at the Lakeview. Reid says he's not denying it. Luke asks since when brain surgeons do house calls in hotel rooms, and Reid says he had to see a special patient, one that couldn't be treated at the hospital.

And Luke says:

For those of you who can't lip read, that's "Oh, yeah, I bet." Eeee!!! Luke, I love you!

Reid goes all high pitched and squeaky and says, "What do you want from me?" and Luke demands the patient's name (not cool, Luciano!) and Reid says, "No," and Luke then goes all melodramatic and says, "Dammit, Reid, who are you seeing behind my back!?!?!"

Oh, Luke.

After the little cut, Luke's still talking and saying that using patient/doctor confidentiality to cover up a lie is cold, even for Reid. (Oh, come on, Reid is not cold, Luke. Have you seen how he looks at you?) Reid says, "There is no lie, there is no cover up."

Luke then accuses Reid of using his practice to cover his cheating.

And then Reid cuts to the heart of the matter and says, "Who told you that I was cheating on you?"

I love, love, love Luke's reaction to this question. He gets so uncomfortable, because he knows that Noah is not credible, and yet he's still let Noah get to him. I love that he is reluctant to tell Reid, and he asks if it really matters who said it. Reid says of course it matters, it goes to credibility.

"Noah," Luke says, looking really uncomfortable and still trying to hold onto the tailwind of his righteous anger. "Said he saw you going into the elevator at the Lakeview with another man, he said you had your arm around him."

Reid seems to get it and says, "I did, he was injured and I was helping him back to his hotel room."

Luke gives the best bitch face ever (see above!!!) and Reid goes on to say that Noah saw only what he wanted to see. Luke says, "He said you two looked pretty intimate." Reid says, "I'm sure he did." Oh, snap, Reid.

Reid says that Noah overstated and that Luke is overreacting, and that it's not very comforting.

Luke does another amazing face, looking embarrassed and already contrite, and agrees that he can see how this behavior wouldn't be comforting to Reid.

Then Reid says, "If you don't trust me, Luke...what the hell are we doing?"

Luke does even more ammmmmazing faces, agrees that he overreacted and says he's sorry.

Reid says they should leave it at that. He needs to get ready.

Luke says he needs to get ready, too, if he is still invited, and Reid asks if he wants to go and Luke says yes, and Reid agrees, and thus ends the shortest fight in Daytime History!!!

Notice, Mr. Mayer, how Reid didn't need to take a break from Luke while Luke spent some time analyzing his behavior and figuring out just where he went wrong, now did he? Nope. Just, "Yep, that sucked, moving on -- hopefully to a different kind of sucking after I wow them at the party."

By the time they arrive at the party, Luke's all smiles and Reid's still grumpy, but he always is, and that's why Luke loves him. There's some anvil that we'll not mention and then Reid calls Luke a tasty hot side dish. (Why, Reid, you made Luke think naughty things!)

Katie shows up with Douchey Hughes. Then things start to suck. *sigh* Luke suggests that Chris and Reid be co-chairs, and Chris and Reid concur that they'd kill each other if they went that route. Bob and Kim show up, and the boring b.s. with Chris amps up. I can't even. God, I'm too tired to even go into it. Just know that Chris is a motherfucking dick and Reid is awesome.

Luke wants to know if everything is okay, he wants his boyfriend to go impress the trustees, and Luke is soooo proud of him, and Reid obviously takes some needed encouragement from Luke's confidence in him.

Chris bombs with the trustees, but Reid saves his ass.

Bob and Kim wonder what is wrong with Chris, and I HATE CHRIS SO MUCH. Reid tries to get him to go to a hospital, but he won't go.

Luke wants to know what's going on and Reid lies. That displeases Luke and he tells Reid to cut it out. He says, "Let's not talk about the patient at the hotel, let's not talk about Chris, let's talk about us. If life with you is going to be a parade of secrets and lies then I want no part of it."

Reid caves like a massive mawing hole in the earth and tells Luke all as soon as Luke acts as though he might walk. Then they marvel at Douchey Hughes' stupidity together, and Reid marvels that he even cares. I actually truly dislike this scene in many ways, so, bleh, hate to recap it, but basically Reid says he owes his new 'caring about others' thing to Luke. Luke looks please/flattered.

Meh. I just hate that. Because a) Reid always cared about others, they set that up clearly, and b) I really dislike when characters credit someone else for them changing in some way. Don't get me wrong, I think Reid and Luke made each other better people, but I just...ugh. I don't know. This conversation rang all wrong for me.

And, that's all for this recap, folks! Just remember, Luke's bitchface is LOVE!

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Direct link: http://youtu.be/vqhg7xLZMPM

champions of eyesex, these drama queens are mfeo, lint brushing = foreplay, chris hughes = oakdale's next top douche, luke's chest hair ftw, being reid's boyf is v awesome, luke gets his drama on, comment fic, luke has bitch face, reid wants in luke's big gay pants, gifs, arguing equals foreplay, reid's bringing sexy back, luke's face, luke/reid rewatch, reid has frown face, luke = love, reid pwns noah, messing with luke's big gay head, other oakdale ppl

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