"Who are they to say who I can and can't relate to?"

Jun 16, 2011 08:39

We pick up our tale two weeks later, deep into the darkness that was the Barbara/Chuckles Summer of Screentime-Hogging Captivity. Luke (sporting some delightful chest hair) and Reid adorably play chess and bicker like an old married couple. Luke wonders when Reid's going to ask Bob for his job back, and Reid replies, "That's gonna put your knight in jeopardy." He's ostensibly referring to Luke's chess move, but this is unfortunately the start of six weeks of what I'm sure the writers thought was genius foreshadowing of Reid's fate. (Not that anything bad happened to him. He and Luke are living happily ever after! Train? What train?) But prepare for a plethora of heart-related puns in the coming eps.

Anyway, in the meantime Reid says he can't believe he's in a relationship with someone so cloyingly naive and lousy at chess, and Luke shyly replies, "This is a relationship, is it?" Brian Kinney Reid says right, he doesn't do relationships, even though he told Katie months ago that he's been in relationships before. Sigh. But wait, the writing gets even stupider, because Luke tells Reid that he'll quit the board if Invicta insists that Luke and Reid can't date. Er...didn't you just quit in the last episode, Luke? And didn't Mona say that it would indeed solve the ridiculous conflict of interest business? Did we collectively dream that?

Reid rants about how Invicta will ruin Memorial, and scurries off to find Bob, and Luke draws air hearts and beams. Then he follows Reid, arriving just in time to remove Reid's foot from his mouth and tell Mona and Bob that Reid wants his job back. This cuteness is followed by more stupidity about Luke's position on the board, with everyone pretending he didn't already resign. In the end, Bob tells Mona and Invicta to take a hike, Reid gets his job back, and Luke and Reid adorably scamper off to celebrate.

Sadly, in Oakdale celebrating consists of strolling through Old Town. Can they at least hold hands? Sheesh. Reid admits that he needs Luke, and that he's willing to make an exception to his new no-relationship rule in Luke's case. Luke beams beautifully and then Reid suggests going back to Luke's place...

...Just as his cell phone rings. It's Bob, newly elected President of the Oakdale Cockblocker's Association. (He ran quite a campaign!) Of course it is. He needs to talk to Reid, and Reid tells Luke he'll have to get used to interruptions in a relationship with a neurosurgeon. Sadly, Luke is already quite used to interruptions. Via amelialourdes's awesome picspam, let's review the various Faces of Luke in this scene, from beaming!Luke! to horny!Luke! to cockblocked!Luke:

Oh, Luke Snyder. How I love you, bb. Anyway, Reid returns to the Lakeview to meet Bob, who wastes no time in telling Reid he's going to recommend him for the Chief of Staff job. Reid is flattered, but bemoans his lack of people skills. Bob is insistent that Reid can change and grow and all that shit. Back at the Lilypad, Luke is excited to hear the news, and wonders if this means Reid will stay in "Podunk." Didn't we already settle this? YES, HE'S STAYING! (I know part of this repetitiveness is par for the soap course, but....) Reid asks if Luke will help him "become a person" and Luke is obviously delighted to do so. He and Reid beam lovingly at each other.

Now, I don't want to get all ranty here, but...REID IS ALREADY A FUCKING PERSON. A GOOD ONE. HE DOES NOT NEED TO BE REDEEMED. JUST BECAUSE HE'S CRANKY SOMETIMES AND NOT GOOD AT SMALL TALK DOES NOT MEAN HE NEEDS TO BE FIXED. But the writers have set their course for Reid's grand redemption and sacrifice (GOOD THING HE GOT THE HEART AND RETURNED TO OAKDALE TOTALLY UNSCATHED!), so all we can do is buckle in for the ride and focus on the positive. Of which there is a lot! Eric and Van's chemistry is off the charts, and Luke and Reid embarking on a relationship is a joy to behold. I want to watch them play chess and flirt all day. :)

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luke wants in reid's pants, champions of eyesex, luke = boyf of year, luke's chest hair ftw, being reid's boyf is v awesome, flirty moments are flirty, comment fic, luke and reid need to touch, bob has a man crush on reid, reid wants in luke's big gay pants, cockblockers association of oakdale, i am luke hear me roar, video, go luke! \o/, reid's bringing sexy back, luke's face, luke/reid rewatch, luke gets what he wants

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