"That's quite a leap of faith -- assuming that a humble barista would know why I do anything."

Jun 13, 2011 08:20

We open on scruffy!Reid, eating cereal for dinner and telling someone on the phone (the world-reknowned Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, it turns out) that no, he will not share an office. It's okay, bb, you're not going anywhere anyway. Luke arrives, and Reid tries to convince him that he quit Memorial over hospital politics and regulations. AND NOT BECAUSE HE LOVES LUKE. NOPE, NOT THE REASON, OKAY.

When Luke hears that the Mayo has already offered Reid a job, he deflates and says he was stupid, and that he'd been planning on going to Bob and fighting for Reid and Reid's job, but clearly Reid wasn't interested. He bids Reid a bitter adieu, telling him to have fun. Reid mopes. During the last part of this scene, Reid has such a vulnerable look on his face that makes me want to hug him. He's so out of his element in all of this.

Luke rushes off to a meeting with Bob and Mona Cross, and it turns out there aren't a plethora of quality neurosurgeons lining up to replace him. Despite Bob's attempt to stop him, Luke tells Mona why Reid quit, gives up his seat on the advisory committee, and advises them that they can't let Reid get away. Then he hurries out, presumably off to take his own advice, but actually just going home to the Lilypad, which makes no sense, but it's Oakdale, so.

Bob tracks down Reid at Yo's, where Reid is inexplicably not drinking alcohol (solidarity with Luke?), although we're made to think he is. When he finds out Luke went to bat for him, he tells Bob he hates Minnesota and runs after Luke. There's a lot of people rushing around in this episode.

At Luke's, Reid smells and drinks a glass of lemonade -- an ad-lib from Eric that they had to film twice because the cameraman was laughing. Heeee. Be more awesome Eric. I dare you. Anyway, Reid tells Luke he's staying, and mentions the Great Nuke Reunion, much to Luke's confusion. Luke calls him an idiot and Reid realizes that he overreacted just a smidgen. Oh, boys. Reid, so vulnerable, says he doesn't know where he stands in his personal or professional life, and Luke gazes at him tenderly as he closes the distance between then and kisses him reassuringly brushes lint off his shoulder.


In the following gif, the role of LuRe fans will be played by Megan Mullally, and ATWT writers/directors/producers by Aziz Ansari:

Seriously, they couldn't have even HUGGED there? What is this, Victorian England? Well, at least our boys are reunited, as Luke tells Reid he'll help him figure everything out. Awwww.

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these drama queens are mfeo, lint brushing = foreplay, bob has a man crush on reid, reid wants in luke's big gay pants, nuke ends forever! \o/, cockblockers association of oakdale, arguing equals foreplay, video, reid please cuddle luke, go luke! \o/, reid loves food is an understatement, luke/reid rewatch, flirty moments are flirty, comment fic, luke and reid need to touch

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