"Thanks for nothing, Chief."

Jun 09, 2011 13:00

First of all, let's give it up for the super talented amelialourdes, who has revamped noah_who with a fantastic new header and layout. Mmm, LuRe kisses! \o/

Now onto the episode! We reopen at Java, Luke and Noah are still laughing about old times and Reid is watching them, standing totally still for like the first time ever, right? No nervous fingers tapping against his thigh, nothing. You can just tell he's mentally berating himself for being such a fool that he'd quit his calling in life for Luke, who seems to be back together with Noah.

I mean, people. DR REID OLIVER QUIT HIS JOB FOR LUKE SNYDER. Srsly. Take that in for a moment.

Luke sees Reid watching them and looks away. Reid leaves. *sigh*

"Go after him," The Douche says. "You know you want to." Wow, look who got hit with the clue bus finally.

Luke does go after Reid, chasing him down outside Java and begging him to talk.

"Can't," Reid says. "Busy." Oh, Reid! This miscommunication and stubbornness between the two of them is making my heart hurt. Stop it, both of you. Reid looks so SAD again. :(

Luke tells him they have to work together, and they're going to run into each other, so can they just be adults already.

Reid responds by telling Luke he'll soon be nothing but a blip on Reid's radar. :|

Luke calls him out on that and Reid starts looking uncomfortable, no doubt already regretting his words. "So this is it?" Luke asks. "We pretend that nothing ever happened?"

"I guess so," Reid says, looking totally miserable. You guys! I'm dying here! :(

"I hope your wing can keep you warm at night," Luke says. OMG Luke was totally planning on keeping Reid warm at night before this. Waah! :(

Back inside, Luke tells TD he was generous for letting Luke go after Reid. Say what? Luke, bb. It's time to end this Stockholme Sydndrome. Luke apologises to Noah for no good reason but even that annoys TD and he storms out after spitting out a venomous "Take care." WHAT A DOUCHE!

Back at the Lakeview, Luke's meeting Bob who wants to talk about "Reid's decision". Luke, not knowing that Reid's resigned, runs away before he can find out. Oh, boyssssss! :(

At the hospital, TD sees Reid with a box of stuff and says, "Did you finally manage to get yourself fired?" OMFG what a douche! Reid gave him his sight back and is an awesome doctor. He's done nothing to warrant that comment. Go DIAF already, you ungrateful douchebag.

Reid tells TD he resigned actually, kthx, and he's getting out of Dodge ASAP.

Back at Java, where Luke has apparently decided to move in for the day, TD reappears. Luke's all, "I thought you'd probably want to avoid me for a few days after the way you stormed out."

"I was planning on that," TD says. Yes folks, Noah was planning on ignoring Luke for a few days after their fight. What a prince. And Luke put up with that for three years. Oh, Luke, honey. *pets*

TD tells Luke Reid quit his job for Luke, looking kind of confused and horrified that he'd actually do that, 'cos lord knows Noah never would have! Luke thanks Noah for telling him and heads out to track down his man! \o/

Back at the hospital, Reid's leaving his office. Again. With a box. Again. And he has a stethoscope in the box. Didn't he hand that over to Bob yesterday? Oy, show.

Bob-O thanks Reid and offers to write him a recommendation. "I've had enough of your help to last me a lifetime," Reid says. Heh. I can't blame the guy for feeling pissed at Bob. He looked up to Bob, he liked Bob, and when he finally did what Bob told him to do - i.e. find someone to love and put down roots - Bob told him nuh-uh, no can do. Poor Reid.

Reid gets home and relieves Jacob's babysitter, giving her too much money and telling her to buy herself a scrunchie. *dies*

Mopey!Reid is mopey. He doesn't even want any food! This is srs bsns. He spots Jacob's busted teddy bear and decides to sew it back up. Poor bb misses being a surgeon already. He then pets the teddy bear's head but we'll all just pretend that never happened 'kay? Kay.

Luke calls, and Reid ignores him. Luke is sad. Reid is sad. I am sad. Stupid boys!

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Direct link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hn2IiRyD70Q&feature=channel_video_title

Although I posted the high-res version above, the sound is a little off, so if anyone would like an alternative, here's the links! Part 2 also features an extra scene between Luke and Lucinda which isn't in the high-res version: Part 1 and Part 2.

luke wants in reid's pants, these drama queens are mfeo, nuke ends forever! \o/, poor bb luke, crazy oakdale shenanigans, luke/reid rewatch, luke gets his drama on, reid has frown face, being noah's boyf is v depressing :(, comment fic, luke and reid need to touch, douchey moments in history, luke has bitch face

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