"That's my... my beer"

Jun 06, 2011 14:04

Today's episode begins with Reid meeting Bob at the Lakeview for more of Mona Cross's dog and pony show. Reid is not happy about it, and he attempts to kill Bob with his eyeballs.

Bob aww shucks's about Reid's sacrifice in giving up Luke and Reid says, "Whatever you say, Bob-O" and he is so freaking SAD I feel like crying. Poor bb, Reid. :(

Next, we go to Java where The Douche is wiping the counter (snort) and there's this awkward moment when he and Luke see each other. Oh whatever, Douchey. You punched a guy extending his hand for a handshake. You suck. No returns. The end forever.

TD tells Luke there's a two-for-one lattes special, and Luke says he won't be needing that because he and Reid are no more. In the next scene Luke's checking for sexts from Reid and gets frowny face because there aren't any. Boo. :(

TD comes over and asks what happened with Reid and Luke says he doesn't want to talk about it. So of course TD gets all uppity and makes Luke feel bad. Because that's his reason for existing.

Luke tells TD Reid's a jerk and a user. Oh, Luke. You know that's not true, you're just upset right now.

Back at the Lakeview, Bob's trying to suck up to Reid to make up for you know, crushing his spirit and making him miserable, but Reid's not having it. Suck it, Bob-O. Mona Cross blah blahs about profit and Reid tells her he doesn't care about that, only his patients.

Bob's all, "Of course you do, bb. Who doubted you? I'll go beat them up!" and Luke appears in his tight tight shirt and his tight tight pants and says "I did".

Next, we get some classic Luke Snyder bitch face while he and Reid get some digs in at each other.

Then Bob gets an emergency page and needs to head back to the hospital. Reid wants to go too but Bob tells him to stay put. Because who wants a brilliant neurosurgeon on hand when there's multiple casualties coming in? Not Bob-O! Failbomb, Bob. Reid's "Are you serious?" is pretty awesome though.

Luke blathers on and on about how Bob's a great big bucket of awesomesauce, thus implying Reid sucks in comparison, though Mona remains clueless. Oh, Luke bb, I love you but stop talking now kthx. Bob was kind of a dick in giving Reid that ultimatum, you don't know all the facts! :(

Reid can't take it any more and escapes to the ER.

Back at the Lilypad, Luke and Lily bond over their miserable love lives.

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Direct link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bi5jQ6rYe-I&feature=channel_video_title

In the second clip, Luke tells Lily he and Reid have had "irreconcilable differences". :(

Luke's upset that Reid chose his job over Luke, and Lily makes appropriate maternal sounds and they hug. Aww.

Next, Katie comes home and finds Reid moping on the couch. "What's wrong with me?" Reid asks and Katie says, "Are we talking about looks, personality...?" LOL Katie!

Reid is agitated and upset and tells her he broke things off with Luke, and even though it was the only choice he could make, he feels like he's going out of his skin. Reiiiiiiiiid! :(

Katie's all, "Duh, that's because you're in love with him, Dummy!" And Reid doesn't deny it. \o/

Katie goes off on a tangent about Douchey Hughes and Reid gives her an adorably confuzzled look. "Yeah, are we still talking about me?" Bwah!

Reid tells her being in love sucks and he feels like crap and Katie says that's only because they're not together.

"This isn't my first relationship," Reid says. Oh, Reid, fuck buddies don't really count, 'kay? Kay.

Katie tells Reid Luke brought out the best in him and he gives her a WTF look and is all, "He brought out the worst in me!" ESS's delivery is hilarious.

Reid talks about how he can't walk away from the hospital. If he's not Dr. Reid Oliver, he doesn't know who he is. It's the same thing he told Luke before Dallas. Poor Reid. He really had no personal life before Luke. He doesn't know how to be in a real relationship and he's just floundering. *pets him*

Katie grabs his beer and literally pushes him out the door backwards, urging him to get his man! One of my favourite Reid and Katie scenes ever! ESS and Terri are great together.

Reid, high on Katie's pep talk, tracks Bob down at the hospital and quits. Bob is gobsmacked.

Back at Java, Luke storms in like the world's biggest drama queen and throws himself down into a chair, bitching about Reid and the meeting. Oh, Luke Snyder, you are ridiculous and adorable. ILU.

Luke tells Noah about his convo with Lily, saying his parents had a beautiful time together but now it's over. Luke's not-so-sekrit attempt at getting closure on his relationship with Noah. Can I get a yay? Yay!

Then they reminisce about the good old days, you know, Noah kissing someone else, kidnappings... good times!

Reid walks in and sees them laughing together and immediately jumps to conclusions, because that's kinda his thing. Geez, these two drama queens totally belong together. Until next time!

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Direct link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHVbehPHFXQ

these drama queens are mfeo, bob has a man crush on reid, nuke ends forever! \o/, i am luke hear me roar, crazy oakdale shenanigans, katie is banana to reid's peanut butter, luke's face, luke/reid rewatch, luke gets his drama on, reid has frown face, comment fic, luke and reid need to touch, luke has bitch face

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