Things are getting even more flirty for Mr. Luke Snyder and Dr. Reid Oliver! Let's review the infamous elevator scene episode, shall we?
We begin with Dusty getting shot for some reason. A roundhouse kick gone wrong, perhaps? Jack and Carly are on the scene. They don't know where the bleeding is and Jack asks for a towel to stop the bleeding but ends up putting it behind his head? All right then. Craig and Margo also pop up but we see that Craig's also having problems with the elevator. Come on, Lily. Get that thing fixed.
Luke reminds Reid that they have a meeting with the architect in charge of the wing. He whisks them away and boom! Reid's in a suit.
Before we get there -- back to Dusty with one of the worst day players, ever. Bad EMT man. They need a neurosurgeon! Craig and Margo find out Dusty's been shot. I do love their, "Really?" -- "Really!" -- "Really?" exchange.
They leave and enter Luke and Reid arguing about having a lounge in the wing. Luke knows all about family members waiting to see whether or not he's going to live or die. Reid's more like, meh. If you say so.
Plz notice the lingering of Luke's hand on Reid's arm and how Reid just lets him hang on instead of shrugging his hand away. They enter the broken elevator. Nice of the repairman to put that sign up after someone uses it. Reid explains why they need a lab and then ... lights flicker. They're stuck.
Reid is in full panic mode and Luke has the most hilarious expressions on his face. He is so totally amused that Reid has a phobia and they bicker like the old married couple that they are. I never noticed that even though Luke asks Reid in Dallas why he still calls him Mr. Snyder, Luke never calls Reid, Reid. It's still Dr. Oliver even in the elevator. Their banter is so perfect and awesome.
Earlier, Luke got grabby and now Reid got grabby and yelly, pressing Luke against the wall. Rawr.
Reid gets sweaty REAL fast and Luke touches Reid again when he grabs his hands. He gets Reid to think of something else and Reid comes up with the brain and all by himself, Reid thinks of all the things about the brain that he loves including the fact that it helps to walk, talk, breathe, and love. Now, how did LOVE pop into his head? Either way, it makes Luke's head tilt in an affectionate way that makes my heart clench.
CONTINUITY ISSUE. When they leave the elevator? Reid takes off his tie. In the hospital? He still has it on. Another part I love in the hospital scene is that Luke is holding Reid's jacket for him, y'know, like he's his boyfriend or something. :D
Reid doesn't care at all about Janet, Carly or Dusty which earns an eye roll from Luke. Luke has SO MUCH FAITH in Reid's abilities that he reassures the two women.
Noah's here and ... blah, blah, I tuned out. Noah's still pretty sure that they hate each other at this point and then thinks that Luke's met someone. That's where Noah's head goes when Luke says he wants to talk. Shouldn't you not give a crap about that, Noah? I mean, really. Luke's ready to be berated by Noah about how he's interfering by giving money. Oh, Luke. You don't get it. As long as it benefits Noah then he doesn't care what you're doing. It's. All. About. Noah.
Luke and Reid share a moment at the end, joke around (AND SHARE AWESOME SMILES) until Reid gets sued. :|
But, you know what this means rewatchers? WE'RE GOING TO DALLAS. \o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/
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Direct link to video. Thank you so much to everyone who donated to our auction -- bidders and artists! Every little bit helps.
Now bring on your gifs, Dusty roundhouse kicks, comment fic, and commentary!