"All right, go get a front row seat. I'm gonna go practice being humble in the mirror."

Feb 27, 2011 20:53

Posting a little early, because I'm going to bed before midnight (*gasp*), won't have time in the morning, and will be out of internet reach most of tomorrow. Pretend that it's Monday already!

We've got three excellent clips today! Lets get started.

In part one, the Douche is back. And he's pulling his good-guy act where he pretends like everything he's doing is for Luke's sake ("You need to be able to concentrate on your family right now, and not worry about me") until it's rationally pointed out that it's not ("I think I can handle worrying about more than one thing or one person at a time"), and then, once again, it's all about what Noah wants right now ("I need to be able to be blind without worrying about you"), and guilt tripping Luke because Luke 'can't handle' just being friends.

(Douchey say wha? Did I just hear you say that you're just friends with Luke? And he can't handle it? Uh, I think you've already dumped him, douche. So, ya know, later? When you say that Dr. Oliver stole your boyfriend? You're so delusional, I can't even.)

Ugh, Luke and his family are going through hell right now, and all Noah cares about is how he needs to be blind his way. He doesn't want to worry about Luke right now. He doesn't need a lover, just a friend. Wow, Douche, you're an asshole. The man you supposedly love (and I don't believe that for a second, unless it's that you love to punish him and see/hear him hurt) is in a terrible place, and you can't even be his friend, because you only care about your own needs and wants. You're not only a terrible boyfriend, but you're kind of a terrible person. Shocking, I know.

Sorry. Ugh. Noah. Ugh.

Meanwhile, Reid's in a fight where he really can't lose. If he wins his case in court, then he gets to go back to Dallas, and if he doesn't? Well, he'll stay on as Katie's roomie and Bob's whipping boy (ah, did your mind go there? Oy!), and, frankly, he doesn't seem to find that to be a crappy option. Just sayin'.

Hank, on the other hand, is so desperate to see his new boyfriend enemy stick around that he sets about making sure that Reid does not get released from Oakhell, and will be sent to jail, where Hank can make conjugal visits he belongs. Katie is unimpressed.

And Bob uses his Bob-Power to manipulate Kim into saying whatever it takes to help his boyfriend Dr. Oliver get off the hook for the hit-and-run charges.

Goddamn, Reid's got so many boyfriends in this town already. Why's he so eager to get the hell out this place? He agitates and simultaneously makes everyone love him just by existing. You know he's gotta enjoy that. And the feeling is clearly mutual.

When Bobbo pushes Reid's buttons, he gets all squirmy with irritation (suppressed daddy-issues?) and mouths off in the cutest way. Bob's even more in love when Reid flounces off. Drama queen much, Reid?

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Part One of Three - YouTube Link

The second clip begins with courtroom declarations of love by Bobbo (and Hank, disguised as hate, of course, and, quite reluctantly, Kim) and Reid being utterly dumbfounded by the ~feelings~ other people have for him, and the ~feelings~ he's undoubtedly having for other people, too. So confusing!

Then we have poor, sad, miserable Luke begging Noah with his I'm-about-to-cry-face (IT KILLS ME AND I WANT REID TO CUDDLE HIM NOW!) to understand that he still loves him and misses him. Noah says, "I miss you, too, but..." It's always the 'but' with Noah. The 'but' is always more important than Luke to Noah. Always. And, that, my friends? Is why they aren't MFEO and never were. Seriously, I love Luke so much, and it is really hard for me to watch these scenes. They make me wish I were blind (and deaf)! Reid understands how I feel!

Noah: So, in a way, Maddie going away is a good thing. It'll give me more time to build my confidence, my independence.

Luke: You keep saying that.

Noah (in the meanest voice ever): Yeah, well maybe that should tell you something.

I'll tell you what it tells me, Douche. It tells me you're broken up, for starters, and it definitely tells me that you don't love him. You are not only an entitled douche-wad, but you have no balls either. Just tell him you're broken up. Oh, but wait, then maybe he'd move on, and who would be your emotional punching bag? Next time Luke walks into Java and you smell his cologne, do everyone a favor, and don't fucking call him over, okay? You're a cruel, mean person, Noah. Ugh.

Then Luke steps up and continues to simultaneously win Boyfriend of the Year and Door Mat of the Year by saying, "No, we're terrible, and I hate this, but I'm willing to go along with it because it's what you think you need." Why so selfless, Luke? Oh, is it because you're made of love? I think that's why.

Noah then dangles the carrot (takes Luke's hands, "We'll get there Luke; I just need more time") so that he can string Luke along, and hurt him again next time. Such a winner. And then he uses Luke again, saying to go easy on Dr. Oliver, and keep him out of jail, because Noah wants his sight back. Who cares about anything else, right? Not Noah, anyway.

Luke then gleefully perjures himself for Reid. I have to admit, this scene makes me feel hilariously giddy inside. There sits Reid surrounded by men who are in love with him hate his guts, and a cheerful little hag sitting by his side. C'mon, Reid! You're not going anywhere, okay? Nothing you've got in Dallas is nearly as amusing/exciting/enticing as this.

Hank is not letting his crush get away, though, and he leaps up to demand Reid's arrest. It's charming, really, how desperate he is to get Reid to stay. Personally, I love it when Reid calls Hank on his irrational behavior ("Then keep your mouth shut, so I can get back to Dallas!") and Hank just can't let it go. Dr. Oliver's sex appeal knows no bounds, y'all.

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Part Two of Three - YouTube Link

Part three begins with Reid being off the hook. Luke looks suspiciously still emotionally broken-up over the crap with Noah as he leaves the court, and refuses to shake Reid's hand, which, frankly, seems to bother Reid (who has been masturbating thinking about Luke for weeks now).

Bobbo hates to see his man-crush leave, and offers him a position at Memorial. Reid's adorably insulting, and Bob sees that he's got no hope. Katie, however? Has a plan. That involves Hank. Who's still in denial about the depth of his lust for Reid. We all know how this goes, though, and so the tension isn't very high.

Luke runs into Reid at the hospital, and they are genial with each other, finally shaking hands to a swelling thump of foreshadowing music. And they seem like they're finally on their way to getting into each others pants when Reid drops the bomb. He's taking Noah with him to Dallas to operate, instead of performing the surgery here. Luke sees that he's losing Noah forever, because he's not a stupid man, even if he is a door mat.

Luke's in desperation-mode when he busts into Noah's exam room at the hospital, and even as a massive Luke-fan, I gotta admit, it ain't pretty. He's only a few seconds away from dropping to his knees and clutching at Noah's thighs while sobbing hysterically, imo, when Reid walks in, and Luke's back in fix-it mode, making one last plea to Reid to stay and do Noah's surgery here. Reid's reasonably annoyed by that and tells Luke to step back and do what's best for his boyfriend. Reid's no fool. He sees what's going on. And poor woobie Luke, with his adorable broken-hearted face, is left alone in the corridor to deal with the fact that his boyfriend hates him, his bio dad is missing, his family is a mess, and nothing is going the way it should for someone who is made of so much love. *cuddles Luke*

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Part Three of Three - YouTube Link

luke = boyf of year, reid and his boyfriends, poor bb luke, entitled moments in history, katie is banana to reid's peanut butter, luke gets his drama on, comment fic, noah is scared of luke's peen, bob has a man crush on reid, reid's bringing sexy back, reid please cuddle luke, luke/reid rewatch, luke = love, henry has a man crush on reid, luke = doormat, messing with luke's big gay head, douchey moments in history

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